MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (2002) Discussion > How old were you when you saw it in thea...

How old were you when you saw it in theatres?

I was 10 years old about to graduate from elementary school. Remember it like it was yesterday. Saw it with my neighbor friend and his dad. After the movie we talked about the scenes we liked. Friend's dad said he liked the "great reflexes" scene. I also talked about scenes that reminded me of the animated series that was on Fox Kids in my earlier elementary years. I saw it in theatres again about 2 more times. Fell in love with this movie when I was a kid. Even had the toy web shooter that shot either white silly string or water. The damn thing kept breaking. The video game on Xbox was a load of fun.

The levels, graphics, the cheat codes. Spent HOURS on that game. i remember a spiderman super soaker that I wanted badly but never got. That was when superhero movie video games were good. Now they all suck.

About to turn 25 and the day I saw one of the first and best superhero movies ever still feels like it was just last week.

Sure TASM was okay, but didn't have the spark this one had. Now we have another new Soidey for the Avengers. Here's to the kids who will hopefully latch on to the new Sider-Man.



Yeah Tom a holland looks super young, and they wanna stick to the source material of him being a high school teenager so badly, but come on. There are comics in spidey's older years. I mean way older. Why can't we have a spidey who has been done with high school already? It would have been awesome if they brought Tobey back, but I am still excited to see Holland in action. I am sure he will own.

Spiderman 2's video game was the best one in my opinion btw hahaah.

I am just so annoyed that they have flunked Spiderman so many times in a short timespan.



I was 13. I was so excited to see it, unfortunately I didn't see it opening weekend, but i remember the craze it caused as it broke box office records as it was the first film to gross $100 million in a weekend. I believe it made like $114 million. I saw it the following weekend and loved it, it's just one of my favorite theatre-going experiences from childhood. I saw it again two weeks later with some friends and loved it just as much. I remember getting the soundtrack at Border's (back when those existed) a few weeks later and enjoying the hell out if it. I got the DVD later the year when it came out, oh man this and Spider-Man 2 are just gold. The nostalgia really kicks in whenever I think about this movie.


I was also ten.

Hit me up on Twitter @alexanderfalzon and read my reviews at


I was about your age, give or take. :D Although I don't rush to the theater to see the latest superhero movie anymore, I remember my anticipation for this movie was... unparalleled. (Saw it about two or three times myself.)

You want something corny? You got it!


very similar stories,

i was ten years old as well, about to graduate from fifth grade. saw it with a friend of mine, his dad dropped us off but we got to see it on our own. I grew up in NYC and it was a very unique time in the city. Even as a child i could feel the effect of 9/11 but was more aware of how together everyone felt in new york, even in the wake of disaster i remember the city as a more comforting place than i do today, although that may have been attributed to my age. This film was made me feel very proud to live in the city and it had a huge effect on me as a kid, really romanticized manhattan and i wanted a love interest like Mary well as the super human strength of Peter.

Very nostalgic movie, much more so than TASM. I get chills when i hear Hero, listened to it running around central park the other day and it gave me a second wind like no other.


4. My parents fought a lot when I was younger and my dad would take us to see movies in an attempt to escape the hell at home. We saw this, Men In Black 2, Star Wars Episode 2, Scooby-Doo, Ice Age, Scorpion King, LOTR, some Harry Potter films, and he even took me to see Jeepers Creepers after mistakingly believing it was PG-13. Good times.

Surprisingly enough, I still remember seeing the film in theaters, moreso than any other film I saw in that era. I enjoyed it a lot and understood most of the films thematics, which is part of the reason why I think kids enjoyed it.


I was 15 years old and vividly remember me and two friends hopping on our bikes after school let out and riding about 15 minutes to the local theater in town to see the movie on opening day. The buzz surrounding the movie was huge, and the 3:30PM showing was completely sold out. It was a real treat getting to see it on opening day.
