why all the hatred

Just curious why everyone hates this movie so much.


It seems to be all about hype in my opinion. The original is so hyped, and people then hate sequels and so on. I don't, but I also don't think the original is flawless.
This movie still holds it's own today, and still pretty relevant with topics.


I love it. It is by far my favorite Carrie.




Agreed, I also think Exorcist 2 and 3 are highly underrated though 3 has been getting more respect in recent years.

Welcome to primetime b*tch



I don't really hate this sequel, but I have to say that there really wasn't the justification for one. It was in fact Carrie all over again and the storyline was almost a complete replication, with Rachel substituting for Carrie. Since they were from the same family and both had telekinetic powers, it was only a matter of time before Rachel started her murderous rampage.

The sequel obviously intended to capitalize on whatever fame or publicity that the original had. The filmmakers even brought back the sole survivor Sue Snell 23 years later to play the familiar caring teacher role (the original one having been killed in the prom fire). At first it seemed that she was the central character, and she took all the pains to find out the information and background in order to help Rachel and her mother. However, all her work had no effect on the outcome and she was offed immediately when she arrived at the scene and Rachel didn't even notice her. So her role ultimately mattered nothing. Call it a weakness of the plot.

The story made far less sense than the original. The gradual building up of rage inside Carrie was easily believable. Carrie was an outcast in school and the target of cruel jokes. She had no friends and her "religious" mother was clearly more than just a little crazy. Carrie had all the materials that serial killers were made of. She briefly had a brief moment of delusion of glory at the prom but was then drowned by pig's blood and humiliated in public. Her fury was definitely understandable. By contrast, Rachel seemed to be reasonably popular in school. Her best friend committed suicide but she had Jesse as her boyfriend. Showing the video of Rachel having sex with Jesse was gross, but that hardly justified killing all the people at the party.

The villains in the sequel were far less memorable. Tracy was barely noticeable compared to Nancy Allen's Chris, and I had difficulty in even recognizing (or distinguishing) the two male villains.


i understand why you feel the murders in carrie 2 werent justified but this film isnt about someones whos mentally abused an a shut in this character is about social class shes the goth chick with only one friend who kills herself then she falls in love with this boy an believes his preppy friends will accept her for the first time showing that sex tape at the end would have ruined her life for ever at school also she thought her lover had set it all up so i feel coming from a 90s perspective which is what this is it worked not to mention she tried to leave an they kept pushing her around making fun of her until she snapped your right that the pigs blood is more impactful but in the 90s this would have set someone on a killing spree as is its an all right 90s teen horror it comes no were close to the classic but its not as bad as the rating says on here its atleast a 5 or 5.3


I actually like this movie but it would have done much better by itself. In other words be original.
