MovieChat Forums > Friends & Lovers (1999) Discussion > Am I The Only One Who Liked This Movie?

Am I The Only One Who Liked This Movie?

I know some of it was kinda boring, but I really felt like i connected with some of these characters. The only thing I really hated was Robert Downey Jr's
character, I mean how annoying can one guy be?


I saw it for the first time recently and I enjoyed it.

Doesn't seem to be very popular, though....


I loved this movie mainly because it features four of my favorite man crushes: Danny Nucci, Robert Downey Jr., George Newbern, and Leon. I just want to scream every time Leon kisses Danny Nucci...I don't know which one I was more jealous of.




A timewaster, but no more. I thought RDJ was the only really good thing in it though - him and Cryer were the only two that actually ACTED in this. I saw it because of her too - just went through the whole series of Two Guys And A Girl.
I gave it a 4. RDJ nudged it up one star for me.


I actually just watched it for the first time and really only stopped to watch because it was set like a ski movie from the 80's which brings good memories for me. I can't say I liked it that much but I loved the setting.

RDJ was the best character but his acting ability surpasses this movie. Baldwin, at least that one ruins every movie he's in so there's that.

Ian's dad was either badly written or badly acted. I think both.... His kitchen crap was only tolerable once, after that it was wasted time and for some reason his stupidity kinda pissed me off.

Overall It was saved by the scenery and RDJ along with the fact it was easy to watch. It didn't take a lot of brain cells, it just was what it was. I thought it was ok it just tried too hard.


It was one of the most horrible, time-wasting movies I have ever seen and I loved every moment of it. It was so bad that it was good; I know that doesn't make sense but neither did that movie. RDJ was brilliant as usual; you can put that man in a Looney Tune Cartoon and I"ll watch it.


No, you aren't the only one. My Hubby and I love this movie.
