this movie or Paranormal Activity?

care to share your thoughts?


I like both movies, actually. They were both suspenseful and fascinating. I believe in the supernatural and aliens, so to me both had an aspect of realism to them and seemed like something that could possibly happen (probably not usually to such a major extent, but it's possible). I think some people have been anti found footage from the start, but not me. Sometimes it's more effective to see things from the point of view of the characters rather than just an outsider.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


I'm not anti found footage, if it's real.

If it's a found footage movie, relying on the assumption that i'll believe it's real footage... when because of internet and reading I know fine it's not.. well that fails.

If it was found footage I would be ALL over it and loving every minute.

I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake


Well, it would probably be against the law to release real found footage. I imagine if any scary event was captured on tape, the footage would be locked in a police warehouse somewhere as evidence and would be considered a snuff film.

I've been waiting for you, Ben.


For a TV movie, Alien Abduction accomplished what some theatrical horror films failed to do; scare the crap out of the audience. Some may disagree, and that is fine. I personally did not like that the film cut back and forth between the story and the interviews. It nearly killed the suspense. Nevertheless, the picture was still fearsome. So you bet I choose Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County. Paranormal is good too though.
