this movie or Paranormal Activity?

care to share your thoughts?


I take Alien Abduction over Paranormal Activity, based on the fact that it felt real, and many people (including me) thought it was real when they first saw it. That was the main objective of the film and it pulled it off, specially with many experts claiming that it was real in UFO conventions and TV shows.

Paranormal Activity tried to play the same card, but didn't worked mainly because it was never going to work in today's society, with access to pretty much every information we want through the Internet. Even Blair Witch couldn't do it 10 years ago, when it was widely known shortly after the film was premiered, that it wasn't real as it as claimed.

Another plus for Alien Abduction is that we could actually believe what we were seeing, it felt natural most of the time,and we could feel that we were there living what they were living, while in Paranormal Activity the acting was not better and the boyfriend character was just too annoying and didn't helped the viewer to get involved in the story. Also, the fact that Abduction was shot in a regular hand camera, added to the "real footage" thing, as it looked like anything that most families could tape with their own video cameras. In Paranormal we get a professional camera, which not many people own. Nowadays most people shot video with their conventional photocameras, so maybe they could have adapted the script to fit that sort of technology and maybe more people could've related to it.


I have to disagree - Alien Abduction (AA) is so obviously fake but I had to check imdb before I was satisfied Paranormal (PA) wasn't real! PA recognised it was low budget so left most things to the viewers imagination (giving just enough action to convince us it was real, without going over the top - as AA did). I didn't notice a single goof in PA at the time, but AA wreeks of them!

The acting in PA is flawless - the girls screaming was truly petrifying. In comparisson, the McPherson's acting was so obviously fake - they just didn't react to the situation with any instinct - they even sat back down to have thanksgiving dinner after half of them had seen some aliens! Come on people!

The girl who runs around crying most of the film never actually intentionally looks at the camera when she's crying (obviously because she's not crying) and on occassion you can even catch a smirk on her face.

Trying to cover the aliens face in darkness also doesn't work as their featureless and prosthetic masks can't even be mistaken for real in the dark. And bearing in mind this camera has the brightest light I've ever seen (check the scene when their outside with the red light alien, where the camera lights up the houses entire outside wall), why does the light mysteriously fail when the aliens are around?

Finally, the film never explains in any way why superpowerful intergalatic aliens waste their time on these bumpkins, spending almost two hours playing with the lights and walking around the garden at snail pace, when they could just use their red LED light through a window to render them all unconscious (also a very unconvincing effect). In PA, they clearly establish the demons torturous intentions through cleverly introduced tension builders (the medium, the weejie board, the book on demonology) and any on-camera effects look very natural (albeit created from a suposedly evil/paranormal source). PA wins!

I rest my case.


Also, how can you say AA wins purely because it was made before the internet became mainstream?!


PA scared me much more than AA did. Much more. It makes you jump quite a few times. This one doesn't, really. It just keeps you in suspense for a while, but it's not really scary. I guess it could be because I don't care for aliens, but I very much believe in the spiritual world.



I liked this more but then Alien Abduction is one of my favorite topics. PA was ok but kinda slow and dull at times.



I would call it Paranormal Acting. There's nothing scary about that movie anyways. Sleeping disorders are not scary! A picture in the attic is not frightening! Alien Abduction is a better movie. The acting isn’t better, but the characters are more interesting.


I'm the complete opposite. I buy aliens (to an extent). I don't buy anything related to the spiritual world. And suspense is infinitely better than jump scares (I would however argue this movie ruined its own suspense by cutting to those experts whenever something was about to happen).

Sad story. You got a smoke?


PA recognised it was low budget so left most things to the viewers imagination
Finally, the film never explains in any way why superpowerful intergalatic aliens waste their time on these bumpkins

Yeah... take your own advice. I'm glad they didn't give us an explanation. It was meant to feel unscripted. Also, how do we know they're intergalactic travelers? In the context of the film, maybe they came from the nearest solar system.

Anyway, I have an easier time believing aliens (who are statistically extremely likely to exist, though not necessarily in this form or anywhere near us) than I do demons, so that alone makes this the scarier film to me. However, PA plays on the fear of hearing things when you're alone at night... which is to its advantage. I guess I'm rather torn, in the end.

PA is obviously the more high quality of the films, being a huge release.

Sad story. You got a smoke?



AA impacted me much more than PA, while its not that good of a movie it makes you uncomfortable while you watch it. i still get chills just thinking about the ending because it just hits a nerve even in recent viewings. PA never touchs that nerve and has too much downtime allowing you to pay attention to things that seem silly. also all the endings take away the momentum of the film and thats my biggest problem with it

Starring in that 227 movie "New Jack`ee City"


This movie wins bigtime over Paranormal Activity. Then again, I thought Paranormal Activity was pretty much garbage.

This movie, however, IMO, was pretty wild stuff...


AA, by far. Everyone who pleads otherwise is a douchebag. /thread


Paranormal Activity was much better. While we know both films are fake Paranormal Activity reached down to the primitive subconscious level and it was real there. The scariest part wasn't the demon, characters or story. It was the visuals, the sounds and the setting. A strange terrifying deja vu from a sleep paralysis. Alien Abduction was fun, but nothing close to PA.

Antiparanoia is the eerie feeling that nothing is connected to anything else


One thing that Paranormal Activity has over both Incident in Lake County and The Blair Witch Project... is that Paranormal Activity's sequels are fantastic. The Blair Witch sequel was awful and Lake County's spiritual sequel never got off the ground.

I would probably have to say Blair Witch is my favorite of the three, by virtue of the outstanding atmosphere. I mean, lost in the woods? It doesn't get any better than that. I'm surprised there aren't more found footage movies who use that premise, really... does anyone know of any?? I could name at least 5 movies that use the Paranormal Activity premise to a T, and at least a couple of other alien abduction themed found footage films.

I'd have to say Paranormal Activity is the scariest of them all, as well. But Incident in Lake County will always hold a place in my heart for being the first found footage film I saw, and the nightmare of my youth. Plus Alien Abduction/The McPherson Tape deserves credit for inventing the genre... Yes, yes, Cannibal Holocaust handily predates it, but that is an entirely different genre of movie. An exploitation film and a science fiction story are quite different beasts, Alien Abduction carved out the conventions of the genre as we know it. And Cannibal Holocaust got it's camera technique from falsified scenes in real mondo films, so it's not as if they invented the shaky cam concept in the first place. Not that CH doesn't deserve mad props for its highly innovative idea, none the less.



Anyone who says "Blair Witch" or "Paranormal Activity" is a better movie then AA, they are obviously too young to make an accurate comparison.

A.A by todays standards is kind of laughable effects/production wise, but the way it was presented(The first time I watched it was late night on TV and it was presented as a documentary) when it came out really was the beginning of the "Mocumentary" style movies.

Comparing Cannibal Holocaust to A.A is reaching far and wide, like comparing apples and oranges. I don't see where anyone would even use the two movies in the same sentence as theyre both very different.


Anyone who says "Blair Witch" or "Paranormal Activity" is a better movie then AA, they are obviously too young to make an accurate comparison.

A.A by todays standards is kind of laughable effects/production wise, but the way it was presented(The first time I watched it was late night on TV and it was presented as a documentary) when it came out really was the beginning of the "Mocumentary" style movies.

How is it better for being influential? Sure it deserves respect, but unless you find it better than the other two then obviously you like the other two more, and they're better in your mind. Neither age nor knowledge has nothing to do with it.

Sad story. You got a smoke?


there are. three with bigfoot: exists, willow creek & the lost coast tapes (was rather weak) - 'spirit in the woods' .. and then there's the spanish 'atrocious' - 'hollow' (uk) also could count, it revolves around a mysterious tree.


I prefer this movie. Alien abduction is just a scarier subject for me. The idea of aliens taking you from your own home and bringing you to who knows where is terrifying. Another thing I liked about this movie is it's in real-time.


Paranormal activity, hands down.

The dude that created this movie gets to take credit for making the first found footage movie (pre-dating Blair Witch); but this is an awful, awful movie. There is zero believability in the acting and execution of the story.

I knew PA was fake and it didn't scare me, but I enjoyed that movie and it's sequels TONS more than this.


AA lost its credibility as soon as I saw actors I'd seen from other TV shows like Stargate SG-1 and The X-Files.


paranormal activity too


this movie or Paranormal Activity?

It's like asking if I want poked in the eye or given a nipple twister!

Both are dull and crap, in my opinion. If I have to go with one of em, I'd choose the alien one cuz the Paranormal one was even more boring. There seems to be more in Alien Abduction than Paranormal Activity. More of what you say? Well, hmm. More suspense? More story. More drama. But there's not much actual substance to it. There's not much substance to either movie.

I've seen all 4 of the paranormal activity movies and I found them all to be the perfect movie to fall asleep to. They're all almost identical. And that's not a good thing, since they're all rubbish.

So if you want my opinion, anything but paranormal activity. Although I like it's idea, it is poorly executed. As in, theres hardly anything to actually see apart from rooms in a house. I'm more scared just turning off the lights than actually watching P.A.!

Alien Abduction: Incident in Lake County 1998 is better but that is not saying much.

They're quite similar, and i think it just depends on if you want to think about ghosts or think about aliens, since you won't be actually seeing much.

Youtube kicks both thier asses hard in every way.

Not recommended either one.

I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. Now it's time to erase that mistake
