MovieChat Forums > The Sopranos (1999) Discussion > Could The Sopranos still be made today?

Could The Sopranos still be made today?

The Sopranos is violent (in a realistic way), has lots of sexual content and is certainly not politically correct. Nowadays, tv has been more of a crowd pleasing, more progressive and less offensive medium. Do you think the show could be still made today?



If anything, TV has become MORE violent and sexual. I'm not sure what "politically correct" means in this context. To me, "politically correct" just means being decent to other people.


TV has become MORE violent and sexual

Sexual, I don't think it has changed that much. But in violence The Sopranos still has some of the most violent scenes in television. Nowadays, lots of the violence is a bit glamourized. Game Of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Vikings all have a bit over the top violence. It's the real stuff in The Sopranos that gets under my skin such as the curbstomp in season 6.


I finished watching "Quarry" the other week. That has some very realistic violence in it.



never heard of this "Quarry" but I just looked it up and it sounds great and is luckily available on one of my streaming services so I'll watch it soon.

so thanks, 7 years later


Not sure as don't know what the reaction to, for example, Melfi getting raped was back then. Every time walking dead or game of thrones has a controversial scene these days there's always people moaning about them


100% YES this show could be made today. Scenes like Melfi's rape would definitely be considered shocking and disturbing, but people would still watch and enjoy the show.

The one unique thing The Sopranos had when it aired that it wouldn't have now was its willingness to kill beloved main characters. I wasn't watching at the time of Pussy's death, but I remember people talking about how shocking it was. Adrianna's death also received a lot of attention for the brutality to a young woman. Ralphs death was shocking due to the graphic nature of not only the fight, but of his dismemberment, as well as the fact that it was mid-season. Perhaps The Sopranos is the reason shows like The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones can create a feeling with its audience that no character is safe, no matter how important or beloved they are.


Wish I could have watched it when it came out, unlike every other great show I've watched, the sopranos gets better every time I watch it


There was a bit of a backlash concerning the rape of Melfi and the murder of Tracee when Season 3 first aired, but since it was pre-social media it blew over pretty quickly. I can only imagine those scenes would go over if the show aired today.

You who wish to conquer pain, you must learn to serve me well.


I disagree. While Hollywood has stagnated, television has never been better than over the past 15 years and that's because shows like The Sopranos changed the rules of cable dramas from content to audience expectations and tastes. Even non-cable networks have begun to pick up shows that have large casts of characters, intricate plots, edgy content, and A-list movie stars have become interested in being on these shows. Sure, you still have a lot of cookie-cutter family sitcoms and mindless, cheesy comedies with laugh tracks but there's never been more addictive, well-written, well-directed dramas taking chances than the last 15 years.

Violence-wise, Sopranos is actually fairly tame by the standards of Game of Thrones. And "Sopranos" wasn't politically incorrect. The writers were being realistic when depicting Tony and the goons as being racist, misogynistic, homophobic, and outdated in their world views. They certainly weren't endorsing the characters' beliefs and attitudes and I think most audiences understand that difference. The show made subtle criticisms of the Bush administration and pointed out racism in contemporary America so if anything, the writing suggested Chase and co lean towards liberalism.

It'd be hard to imagine the show being made today because of the huge differences in style and the changes that the US has gone through since the show ended. Beyond being a mob drama, the show was a very much a product of and commentary of the US in the late 90s through the mid 00s.


but there's never been more addictive, well-written, well-directed dramas taking chances than the last 15 years.

What you're describing ended probably years ago.

~ I'm a 21st century man and I don't wanna be here.
