MovieChat Forums > Mr. B Natural Discussion > Favorite MST3K Lines

Favorite MST3K Lines

Uhhhhhh, I gotta go finish my letter to Jodie Foster.

Y'know, I think Oscar Wylde only dreamed about being this gay.

Yeah, when you get near a song, play it!

Mr. B, what would you know about dignity?


Hey, it's Satchmo!




"This man does things he's not proud of"

Not sure why but it had me laughing for ages.

"Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"



Buzz: "Are you a musician, Mr. B? Do you play any instruments?"
Tom Servo: "No, I'm in marketing."

Old guy inspects horn and pushes keys.
Tom Servo: " noise there..."

Mr. B: "You should hear him play now...Oom pah! Oom pah!"
Joel: "He sucks, Mr. B."

Buzz's dad walks up to counter in trenchcoat:
"Ve vant to ask you some qvestions..."

Opening song:
Come on and buy some crap from us!
You know that you want to!
And the white race will salute you,
As you prance and gadabout!

Joel: "Is this Liberace's mom?"

Buzz's mom hangs up the phone:
"I'm not really do...I wouldn't want you to hang up, wait..<click>"

Mr. B: "Ever notice the excitement in a school corridor at the end of the school day?"
Joel: "Oh...yeahhh..."

Joel: "I'm hurt and all messed up inside. If only an androgenous man would come and visit me!"

Buzz: "Wish I could..."
Tom Servo: "...wear tights and prance around."

Buzz's Dad: "I imagine a good trumpet would put quite a dent in his dad's checkbook."
Tom Servo: "Yeah, if starts hitting you with it."

Mr. B: "Do you think that this is just a trumpet? No!"
Joel: "It's a bong!"


"Don't make so much noise next time" (at least that was the gist of it)

"He played the Devil's tricone!"


Tom Servo: Now Buzz grandstands every chance he gets.
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster.


"Betty Luster. Wasn't she married to Martin Sheen?"


Buzz's parents exchanging smiles:

"Sucks, doesn't he?"

"The sun is shining...but the ice is slippery."
