MovieChat Forums > Soccer Dog: The Movie (1999) Discussion > Am I the only person who likes this movi...

Am I the only person who likes this movie?

I think that it's hilarious.... quirky... an over the top exaggeration of true life, anf FUNNY AS ALL GET OUT... and it has heart! <3


No, I thought it was okaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy...the dog himself, naturally, is the best part of it. But I didn't exactly DISlike it, so,'re not alone...^^


I loved this movie. It is my favourite movie of all time. And I was really disappointed to see how low its ranking is on imdb. But you know maybe you need to be an academic to get the jokes ...


Yes, I suspect that's the reason there's so little appreciation for this movie. Not enough intellectual viewers. x3


I loved it too! But probably cause I grew up with it and I have find memories in my childhood of it. Haven't seen the whole thing in ages.


My 9 year old son is really into this movie. He watches it every night. I've seen it many times and it's pretty darn funny on several levels.

"Who knows, Mr. Gilbert, what a limit really is." Lincoln Bond, "Toward The Unknown", 1956


I liked it! Great for kids and families.

Does a family movie have to be full of smart-mouth kids back talking their parents to make it enjoyable to watch??

Watch this again, there is plenty to enjoy in this fun movie.


It came on after Flash Gordon.. so I started watching it now.. & it's too cute !!

I just can't believe that evil Dog Catcher that was stealing dogs !!


No, you're not the only one. I watched this repeatedly when I was a kid and loved it a lot. I was in the fist grade, mind you. But I have nothing but pleasant memories from it. I'm not sure how I would judge it today (I'm 18 now) but in order to preserve the sweet nostalgia I won't even bother considering it.
