MovieChat Forums > Pitch Black (2000) Discussion > Damn, this movie was uninspired..

Damn, this movie was uninspired..

First off all the entire movie is a very cheap Alien or Aliens rip-off. The alien design looked like the director hired his 14 year old cousin. The movie covers it up with darkness, that at least saves us from having to look at them.
Little question right here: If those aliens eat humans, and only come to the surface very 22 years, well... I'm no biologist but with humans reaching the planet twice during the existence of the universe, and there being about 5 gazillion aliens, how do they get enough calories to grow? Cannibalism doesn't help much either, there has to be a different source of food other than 20 humans in 14 billion years.
By the way they're shown to have really bad eyesight, and utilizing their sense of smell will not make them this accurate, and being inaccurate, they wouldn't evolve to be fast either...

Then the goddamn characters and their superficial conflicts which apparently can't be put aside during existential threats, everyone remains the same from start to end. No development.

The stupid planet model that exists only as exposition for the viewer.
The stupid solar buggy that has a battery capacity of exactly 0 seconds.
Where'd they get their flashlights from? Stolen from a WW1 museum? Cause they're weak as fuck even for the release year...

There's not even a lot to point out here. People crash on planet run away from aliens. ..yawn.

Probably the final signal that I need to stop watching movies.





Damn even the ending is stolen from Alien.




I don't think it's meant to be hard sci fi. It's more science fiction/fantasy. I think it's a fun movie. In fact, I enjoy the whole franchise of Riddick movies.
