saved by palance

while i'm not wild about everything in this movie, like the background music becomes already tiresome after you've seen it once, and the opening of a muddy street doesn't exactly put you in the christmas spirit, by the way the region 1 vhs look way cooler and holiday like than the dvd featured here, it really feels like the tv movie i'm guessing it is, and the co cast looks like something from a soap opera, while there are too many versions of this story to keep count of, there is even a flintstone piece for goodness sake, still there is only one jack palance, i love watching him act so still prefer this version over any other though i've of course enjoyed other versions, no matter your frame of reference i've always found this is a moving tale, and think about it, who can be play a meaner scrooge than jack palance, it's almost too painful to watch how he treats the people around, and witnessing his very moment of change keep me returning to this version, he really saves this movie and often deserved better productions, one neat moment is how he actually keeps the money the beggar gives to him. i guess this is one of palance's last roles, and i don't mean there is bad acting from the other cast, but there is quite a generation gap between and the contrast or what it is i can't put my finger on it, is just too stark, some of the girls offers great performances too though, since this scrooge is pretty much a one man show the flaws of the movie can get a pass if you enjoy palance.

🤠 🐎 💰

youre my firework,
i dont shop for it when holiday occur,
i dont know how you came to this place,
but on a colourful spark i disappear in space,
at your fireworks hottest ive seen in my days,
you don't scare the animals but you do me,
a firework all through year not just new years eve.
