Who Created Punk?

Sex Pistols or Ramones :P

<=== http://www.49rufus.tk ===>
For kick ass punk rockin music


If you want to REALLY get into it, The Velvet Underground started punk, their first album being made in 1967.


Iggy Pop created punk. No Iggy = no punk


I have NO idea how velvet underground get to share the 'title' of 'godfathers of punk' with iggy pop.
yes they happened around the same time. But im sorry Iggy and the stooges = punk.
velvet underground, while an influential band yes and experimental at the time. are a acid trip/druggie band.

Punk Rock is freedom



The MC5 and Velvet Underground were close and were on the right track, definate major influences, but I've always considered the Stooges to be the first PUNK band. There's just something so new and original about their music. Did stuff that the MC5 and VU were trying to do, but they just couldn't get it quite right.

I was so excited when I saw this to find that it had THREE Stooges tracks on it.

EDIT: A lot of people like to say Iggy Pop was punk. Now I like to think that MUSICALLY, when he was in the Stooges, yes, definatly punk. But then some of his later music, or at least the stuff he did in the seventies after the Stooges (I must admit, I really don't listen to him much after that - so I could be very wrong) does not really seem that punk to me. Seriously, when you do an album with the music by David Bowie, it may be good, but it's not punk. But even so, even if his music may not be PUNK, he himself was still PUNK, know what I mean?

SPOILER ALERT: Soylent Green is, in fact, people.


Nobody really creates music. It just kind of happens.

My work is personal/ I put in work/ I work with purpose



first VU album is experimental rock. not a trace of punk they showed until white light.

by then numerous garage bands embodied the same mentality

before them. underground jazz, experimenting with horns and noises only heard years later by these so called posers.

frank zappa. freak out! and we're only in it for the money have the mentality.

really the movement itself never began until the fashion statement jerked off the music to what it is now - *beep*



God created all things

"This is where you pucker up and kiss my ass." -A.D. Skinner


In the film Out of the Blue (Dennis Hopper, 1980) a cabdriver says Elvis was one of the first punks. Lol. Jerry Lee Lewis was more punk than Elvis, imo.

On the run from Johnny Law...Ain't no trip to Cleveland.


Trick question. Punk can't be created. It just is.


I remember I woke up one morning a couple years ago hung over and still drunk from the night before. I prepped my blended and combined the following ingredients: skin cream, coco-cola, shock-wave disc man (with anti-skip), vomit, and a hint of pen ink. And I'm pretty sure punk was created then. I could be wrong but then again who *beep* knows when it was created


...Who cares who started it? It's music. I don't know who started it and I don't give a *beep*

Btw you don't live your life by film quotes.
