MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > Inconsistent 'rule bending' makes no sen...

Inconsistent 'rule bending' makes no sense

So these people can jump really far and high, punch concrete walls (if Agents can do it, while they are said to be stuck to following the rules, then logically, Morpheus should be able to do even more of it, since he can 'bend' and 'break' the rules, right?)..

..but not when it counts. Trinity can't make that tiny jump from the helicopter to the roof without Neo's 'harness help', Morpheus can't jump into the helicopter just because his foot is 'virtually shot' (although Morpheus knows it's not real.. ), etc.

My question is; why can't they 'bend the rules' when it comes to 'being injured', but they can do it when it comes to jumping from a rooftop to another, but then again, NOT when it comes to jumping off or on a helicopter, etc..

None of this makes any sense!

Morpheus should ABSOLUTELY be able to 'bend the injury rules' so he's NOT injured by Agents' bullet to the leg, but even if he can't, he should STILL be able to jump that MINUSCULE distance from the building to the helicopter even with ONE leg - just compare his jump in the 'jump program' (as well as Trinity's rooftop jump in The Matrix in the intro scenes) to the distance between the building and the helicopter, around the time Neo says 'He's not gonna make it!' (how can he 'see' that, BTW? How can you see whether someone is or is not gonna 'make it'?)..

I mean, all this inconsistency serves the plot, but makes no sense when you think about it.

Either 'bend injury rules with all the other rules you are able to bend', or 'have Morpheus be able to easily jump into the helicopter even with one leg injured or removed, because he can 'free his mind' and jump amazingly long and high distances'.

Also, why does it look so clunky when Morpheus 'falls down', why does Neo have to 'roll' and so on, when we KNOW he can flawlessly jump hundreds of meters and land perfectly fine without injuring himself?

It's like they showed us 'superpowers' these people have, then took AWAY all those 'superpowers' in these more climactic scenes and made them just 'regular people' to create more tension.

Did they think the audience FORGOT all the amazing things we were shown they are able to do?

For example, Neo is able to RUN UP A WALL in the 'fighting simulation'. Yet, Trinity can't run up the wall when Neo is 'rescuing her', but she has to use the harness, and the harness ONLY to get up with Neo's considerable help.

What happened to the 'evil donkey' woman here? She did AMAZING things in the intro scene so we'd think she's 'cool', but when it counts, she's just like any regular doofus? WHAT!?

WHAT KIND OF SENSE does any of this make???


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
