MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > Missing 'advisor HUDs' make no sense

Missing 'advisor HUDs' make no sense

They can have 'ANYTHING' they need. Anything!

This means that they could have - as their default equipment - some kind of 'advisor HUD' or a 'small, levitating robot invisible to NPCs' or something like that.

What do I mean by that? Well, let's think about the STUPIDEST scene in this movie - 'death of Mouse'.

He 'turns around dramatically' and just starts blasting without any plan, somehow not knowing (??) that a) he will not do anything good or even hit anyone with a bullet and b) he will be killed quickly if he does that.

I have written before about how absolutely stupid that whole thing is, but let's look at what they should have done, more 'realistically speaking'.

All these people should not only be TRAINED for this kind of situations, they should know to 'surrender' so they can be rescued later. Why just do the most childish, useless thing ever - a slightly fancier 'suicide-by-cop', when you can do ALL KINDS of things (not even mentioning the 'super jumping ability' and such)?

My point is, these people should be PREPARED for this type of situations. Their whole life is in danger and they have no plan for this? What?

Preparing includes building/inventing/conjuring up/etc. TECHNOLOGY that can help.

The Matrix is pure code, and these people say they 'hack into it', so this should mean there can be a 'personal device' everyone can have that keeps scanning The Matrix, reading its code, etc., so they are never 'surprised', because they know what's going on all around them.

More importantly, these small devices, whether helmets, robots, armor or whatever, can then keep everyone informed about everything that's going on that's relevant. A small A.I. that can give you the relevant information, like '8 SWAT members running towards you in the hallway' and so on. It can use a HUD to show you their locations, the building structure and so on and so forth, so you don't have to clunkily call TANK to verbally tell you where the 'main wet wall' is (how stupid is that they have to do that?).

This means also that the A.I. could do 'probability predictions', which would save SO many lives.

It could 'read the code', then make probability calculations of what is going to happen and how it's going to happen, long before it happens, then it can calculate every response back and forth to find things that would work, to find what action results in what result and so on (just think of a complicated version of what WOPR supposedly does).

Now, the HUD-system would then present the user with the best scenarios, show them visually (even if just outline-style vector graphics, or how 'Detroit:Become Human' did it), that the user can then 'play' back and forth and practice realistically and see the results of those actions, etc.

This would lead Mouse to actually know exactly what is going to happen if he chooses that particularly stupid thing to do, which the HUD thing would STRONGLY ADVISE AGAINST, and he would have multiple choices of much better actions he can select to do.

So when the doors are kicked open and the SWAT people are pointing their guns at him, he doesn't have to be a psycho idiot, but he can just react as if he's completely innocent. Even an adrenaline-filled SWAT team is not gonna shoot someone that is face down on the floor with their hands on their back or something.

The HUD-device could constantly scan the environment, read the code of 'The Matrix' and constantly calculate the best actions, always warn about ANYTHING dangerous and always advice the best patterns, actions, tactics, strategies and so on.

This means Mouse would have had about 5 much better choices he could've selected instead of just blindly and uselessly shooting the walls so the SWAT team has no choice but to murder him. He could've gone to another room, he could've hidden behind furniture, he could've yelled 'I am unarmed, don't shoot' or 'help me, I heard gunshots' or whatnot to pretend to live there or whatnot.

I mean, what is worse - to be 'interrogated' by agents, or to be shot by the SWAT team instantly?

In any case, these people should have SO MUCH more technology with them, where they wouldn't need to clumsily call Tank, but they would have something better than tank WITH them at all times that can be constantly communicate with without any phone calls, and so on. You could also ASK this HUD-thing/robot/whatever questions and to project predictions of future based on relevant data it would know how to use efficiently.

It would know SWAT protocols, rules, acts, statutes, codes, patterns, behaviour, history and so on, so it could easily predict how these people are at least planning to approach any situation, and make logical conclusions from there. It would be able to adjust its predictions instantly based on ever-changing situation data, so it would always be as 'accurate as possible'.

WHY are these kind of technologies missing, if they can get ANYTHING they need?

Real answer: writers are idiots.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
