MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > Can Morpheus jump (and other things that...

Can Morpheus jump (and other things that make no sense)

We are shown Morpheus to take QUITE a leap in the training simulations. Would be pointless, if he couldn't do that also in The Matrix. The movie implies the rules in both are pretty much the same, so anything you can do in the simulation, you can do in The Matrix.

He pretty much never uses this ability for some reason, though.

He's strong enough to break handcuffs by sheer muscle power (well, 'mind power', whatever), but he can't make the TINY JUMP from the window to the helicopter just because his leg is 'virtually shot'? What? Why? That jump is SO SMALL compared to what we are shown, AND he keeps saying it's his MIND, not his physical body, so why can't he just EASILY jump to the helicopter?

Also, falling from the helicopter could've been more spectacular - where is the super jumping ability in these helicopter scenes? Trinity does not need that weird harness thing to jump to the roof from the helicopter, she can also jump VERY high, VERY long distances and very fast! Look at the opening scene and then look at the distance from the helicopter to the roof and tell me she can't do it... you would be a liar!

Heck, Morpheus could jump INTO the helicopter, grab Trinity and jump BACK into the roof _EASILY_ considering what we have been shown and told.

Why do these movies show and tell us about all these awesome powers, but then downplay them so much they might as well not exist? Star Wars does not have Yoda or Obi-Wan blow up the Death Star with 'the force' (ANY reason they couldn't do it, even after death? Anyone?), Wong and Dr. Strange do NOT use sling rings the about 800 times those things would have saved the day SO EASILY and powerfully... and these friggin' Morpheus people NEVER use their powers and abilities even close to the extent they have already done in the past or at least someone has told us they absolutely should be able to.

Agent Smith doesn't jump out of the way of the train for some reason, either. What gives?

Oracle not mentioning Trinity's timewasting tactic in the subway, or the hobo that sees Morpheus teleport away and thus invites an Agent to inhabit him..

BTW, wouldn't the hobo's 'avatar body' be in a bad condition, so how can Smith easily do kung-fu in it? Do they completely replace the 'avatar', and if so, then why would they even need it to transport from place to place? What a way to waster your batteries, when you could easily have them just 'spawn' somewhere? If they are just 'sentient programs', WHY would they need living human people's painstakingly created 'avatars' to materialise somewhere?

I swear, this movie MAKES NO SENSE whatsoever!

I would forgive it, if they actually USED their powers to their full extent in these movies, but for REASONS, they don't..

..just IMAGINE the admittedly 'cool' lobby shooting scene if Trinity and Neo jumped as we have seen Trinity and Morpheus jump around - they would be running the walls, jumping super high, shooting while upside down, zooming all over the place.. but no, it's just 'slightly fancy kung-fu combined with shooting with obvious plastic toy guns'. Sigh.

(They should never have let the gun bounce when they drop it, it's SO obvious it's a lightweight thing - a real gun would not bounce like that, or sound so plasticky)

Why is 'anything we need' just some hand guns? Can you imagine what the word 'anything' actually contains, even if it's just 1999 military tech, let alone something more interesting? Talk about wasted opportunity..


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.
