MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > Machines stupidly making sure they lose ...

Machines stupidly making sure they lose makes no sense

There are so many ways the machines could EASILY prevent any 'uprising' or 'waking up' their batteries that they do not use, it makes me think the machines WANT everything to happen this exact way for some reason.

Preventing your batteries from even standing up in their pods would be child's play-level easy.

I mean, their muscles are atrophied because they never use them, so there's no way Neo should be able to even raise his arms AT ALL or physically move AT ALL inside the pod, especially since if you have never used your physical body, why would the signals that were rerouted from your brain to the machinery suddenly return to your body anyway? Why would any 'command from your brain' even work to even make it possible to TRY to move your hands, let alone your whole body?

Secondly, you have only moved your 'avatar' body, which happens in a different way, because it is NOT physical. This means, moving a physical body would be a completely new, different task, different sensation and very heavy by comparison.

To add, it would be a 'NEW' thing for you and your brain, you have never attempted it before, so it would be AT LEAST as difficult (but actually way more) than learning to ride a bike - you can't do it proficiently at first, you have to get used to it. If you were to be transferred to an animal body suddenly and you had to teach your brain how to walk, you would be like a newborn horse, you would be stumbling and slipping all over the place and not knowing what you are doing at all.

Neo should have this same experience, except that his muscles should not work (or even exist?), because he not only has not used them EVER, but also, because all the ENERGY WOULD HAVE BEEN DRAINED, so he should be basically coma-level exhausted ANYWAY, and not be able to move just because of that fact alone (not to mention all else)

I have mentioned before, how, if the machines had any intelligence, they would not let their batteries ever grow limbs. Why grow limbs, when that would just be a useless energy drain, and very inefficient (they have to make the pods bigger because of this, think of how compact things would be if they kept people as torsos!)..

..not to mention people could then be 'awakened by the rebels' and so on.

If people were just torsos, it would be impossible for all this Neo-stuff to happen. No need for fancy Kung-Fu, when you can just control the people in the physical side, because they are just torsos.

Why would the machines let the air be breathable? Why can Neo take that giant gasp of air, especially since he has never autonomously used his lungs? I mean, if the lungs have always been operated mechanically, why would his body even have any kind of functional breathing reflex or capability of suddenly doing it manually? Shouldn't this thing also be learned gradually?

My main point is - the machines do not need oxygen or air to breathe. The only reason they need that stuff is to keep their batteries alive. There is NO REASON for them to let the atmosphere of the planet remain breathable, which means any pod people that 'wake up' could not remove the tube or they could not breathe, which would just keep them plugged in, and rescue would be impossible.

Why would the machines release the people and let them fall into a place where they can be picked up is also INSANITY itself. This should never happen. An 'awakened battery' should instantly be murdered and mashed into the pulp they supposedly feed to the 'living'. Why does this big machine come down individually (the process should be automatic anyway), INSPECT Neo's physical side, then .. do nothing? What? Why? The machine could have strangled Neo to death right then and there! Why did it NOT do that?? WHY KUNG-FU, when this robot could have just killed Neo on the spot?

I mean, they TRY to kill Neo half this movie, and yet they COULD HAVE SO EASILY DONE SO. Makes no sense.

In any case, the air should be absolutely toxic, noxous and nauseous. (I am using the word correctly, if you disagree, you are illiterate)

The air, especially within those pod areas (could be a more sealed area where the atmosphere does not even come in contact with the air they are able to breathe) should at least be some kind of sleeping gas that if you breathe it, you fall into deep coma and never recover, it could be poison or corrosive or whatnot.

Just remove the oxygen from the atmosphere and murder every 'wake' people instantly, problem solved, no rebellion, no resistance, no Neo.

At the VERY least the unnecessarily safe and slow slide should include some kind of blades to slice the body into small pieces while they slide down, but nope, just safe, slick, slippery and smooth all the way, no damage or injury to the body whatsoever.

Is this Artificial Intelligence or Artificial Stupidity? The movie says it's the former, but SHOWS it to definitely be the latter.

This makes no sense.


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.


Well, I'm choosing to reply, but bear with me here.......

Yes, avortec4's posts & endless ".....doesn't make sense" nonsense appears troll-ish, but I notice that 1)- his threads hardly ever get any traction, & 2)- whenever someone does reply & calls out the ridiculous over-thinking.......he NEVER responds to it.

He seems to appear & disappear from the board at random. Posts a deludge of threads over a short period of time, then nothing for weeks or months at a time. Hardly posts reply to any other pages, the few I've seen he's nowhere near as verbose as the threads he creates.

Could be it's some kind of form of self-therapy, maybe?
