MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > "I used to eat there" makes no sense

"I used to eat there" makes no sense

We see Neo pointing out the window of a car.

This is a problem. We SHOULD be seeing Neo point at a restaurant that we can also clearly see. We don't. We just see 'general businesslike windows whizzing by in a really blurred form'.

Look at Neo's finger, when he's pointing and saying the line. It doesn't move.

When you are in a moving car, pointing at a restaurant you used to eat 'really good noodles' in..

(SIDENOTE: Who the heck goes to a RESTAURANT just to eat NOODLES?! How can noodles be 'really good', when they all basically taste the same? It's the seasoning and the spices that create the taste, the noodles themselves do not have particularly interesting taste. It's like saying 'really good macaroni' - would anyone really say that? One macaroni tastes pretty much the same as another, and the same is true for noodles.

Furthermore: Noodles are a CHEAP student-food that poor people and programmers eat, because they can't be arsed to indulge in the exquisite art of gourmet food cooking, they're _NOT_ some high-class food to order in a god damn RESTAURANT!) usually move your finger as the restaurant seems to go by, so your finger keeps pointing at the actual restaurant, not some OTHER place.

Neo's finger never moves. Therefore, he's NEVER pointing at something outside the car that's moving (in relation to them, of course, not actually moving), because otherwise, his FINGER SHOULD BE MOVING.

His finger never moves, which results in Neo pointing at THREE DIFFERENT, SEPARATE BUSINESSES during the statement.

So which one was the noodle restaurant?


I know it's 'The Matrix', but don't tell me Neo can't do something a kid could do; just point at a place and KEEP POINTING AT THAT PLACE for more than 0.25 seconds by moving your finger so it stays 'on target'.

Neo is really bad at targeting, when he can't even point at a restaurant, just because the car is moving. His finger ends up pointing all kinds of things, when in reality, you can imagine how the finger should behave. Try this even on a bus or something, and you'll see your finger moves when the bus moves, to keep pointing at that restaurant.

WHY can't "The One" do this simple thing even a young toddler can do?


To add, WHAT kind of programmer-hacker EATS AT A RESTAURANT VERY OFTEN?

"I USED to eat there" means it was not just some special occasion that happened rarely, but a thing that happened A LOT, and so consistently, he can refer to it as 'used to eat'.

This makes no sense.. noodles would make sense, but not in a damn restaurant, a programmer-hacker has BETTER things to do and occupy his mind (he's even shown to SLEEP at his computer!) than FREQUENT a restaurant, noodles or otherwise! Programmers and hackers do not generally waste their time in 'fine dining' (and if they did, they wouldn't order NOODLES in a restaurant!).

The whole point of noodles is that they're cheap, easy and fast to cook, so it's IDEAL for people that just want a quick, cheap meal without having to bother too much about thinking about eating or planning meals.

This restaurant-thing MAKES NO SENSE from this point of view, either. What the heck were they thinking?
