val kilmer...

not bad, but don't you think val kilmer smiled too much?


Yes, but I don't think it was smiling so much as gritting his teeth, trying to get through it. He had to have been under contract to do this movie. How do you go from 'Heat' to this?


lmao..yeah, but Val's always done what he wants when he wants. He eschewed the "Hollywood" lifestyle long ago for a quiter one in New Mexico where he can raise his family and grow fat. He slims down for indie flicks that he feels have a little depth, like the gay detective he played in 2005's "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang", or 2004 in the little-seen but heart-warming "Stateside" where he portrayed a Marine DI who whipped into shape a young kid trying to avoid the slammer.


He was playing a blind man who was in touch with all his senses and appreciated everything that he could not see. He was grateful and happy to embrace life and smiled out of pure enjoyment of his surroundings. Smile away Val!
