MovieChat Forums > The Iron Giant (1999) Discussion > The score (music if you will) is just ok...

The score (music if you will) is just ok ....

Not to sound pestimistic or that critic that loves to burst the bubble but I thought the instrumental score was weak or just ok. It lacked cohesiveness and a memorable theme to tie it altogether in identify the movie sonically or the Giant himself. The only time it got my attention was that new dream sequence but that's probably because it was new to me. It probably would have given more of an emotional bump if it had something "more". That's not to say the film didn't get me crying a river of course.

That said I still loved the movie. The story itself was enough weight worth carrying on its own to justify as a classic people should see. The fact I was able to re-experience on the big silver screen is a dream come true.


I wonder if this is why I will never consider the Iron Giant a top ten caliber film. It's always felt like the ultimate number 11 film. Something always seems to missing...maybe a better score is what was needed. Still, like you said, it is still a wonderful film.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


Well, Dean and Hogarth didn't sing "Hakuna Matata" to the Giant after the deer died and Annie and Dean didn't roll down a hill into a field of flowers and butterflies while "Can You Fill My Hole Tonight?" played. The movie was originally going to be a musical - that was scraped - and then they were going to use a different musical accompaniment altogether.

Michael Kamen (RIP) gave us the beautiful, jaw-dropping soundtrack we have today. OK, go to Youtube and look up the soundtrack.

Deer God, you people.


Nobody said the film should be a musical. I do find it kind of amusing though that you would use Lion King songs as an example given my history of fighting with that movie's fan base. If you love the score to the Iron Giant, that's great! I think it's okay for the film but rather forgettable and boring on it's own.

"Unless you're an alien, time traveler, or esper, your opinion doesn't matter."


rather forgettable and boring on it's own.


Couldn't agree less. I haven't seen the re-release so I don't know if anything was changed but I found the original score to be some of my favorite film music. Whenever someone refers to something as "boring" I wonder what kinds of things they do like. Some people just need more action, less story, etc. in their films and something similar goes on with music. This was a subtle, complicated story with a few big action scenes and the music reflected that.

As far as tying things together, I'm a music teacher and I've used the IG score as an example of developing themes. That 7-note main theme appears in dozens of guises throughout the film, each time reflecting different emotions.

And emotions are the point. Whatever the technical aspects (and it succeeded beautifully there), this was a score that gets to the heart of a great little film. Director Brad Bird praised it highly, saying it was the music he'd always imagined. I've listened to the score on its own more times than I can count. In fact, this post has inspired me to play it again. Thanks.


Exactly, I've been in choir and band and I know the team effort and cooperation it takes to pull off a symphony like this. I guess I get easily offended if someone expresses dislike toward this film. It's easier to point out flaws to a film like, say, Wild Wild West XD but this film is a slow-moving, character-building movie. It's almost the opposite of The Lion King - I draw comparisons because I can't draw lol - but the music to both is different too. One is a powerful, majestic assembly, another is a tranquil, but gradually building ballad of love.


@dijomaja-382-516639 @white-37

Oh yeah definitely. But don't get me wrong, I'm not denying the collaborative effort had no passion for the making of this film. And yes, the behind the scenes work for these kind of things, for better or worse are mental, no denying that. I'm not criticizing their hard work what so ever. However, the end result to me was that it was still just ok, not as memorable as I thought it'd be. I've seen this movie a million times as a kid and just recently for its re-release and I feel the same way for it then and now. And sometimes listening to scores on their own is what makes it less stellar but I'm speaking from a viewing experience stand point, sound with picture.

I'm still interested in picking up the CD soundtrack but it is rare as heck, going for insane prices on Amazon right now. I would buy it on iTunes but the quality isn't exactly lossless unfortunately.


Music is very subjective and each individual will react to it differently. Just because they didn't like it doesn't mean they don't have respect for those that created it. I love this movie and the score is fine for the film. It just isn't something I would play regularly. Since you asked about film scores I like, some favorites I play from animation are:

Kiki's Delivery Service
My Neighbor Totoro
The Little Mermaid(yes there are songs, but score is good too!)
5 Centimeters Per Second
The Secret of Kells
Land Before Time
Spirited Away
Song of the Sea
Inside Out

Those are scores that get heavy rotation from me right now. I'm not saying they are definitively better than Iron Giant's score, they are ones I just prefer.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


Yeah I never implied it should be a musical filled with songs. I'm just talking about the score itself. It's just my honest two cents. Again no disrespect to the creative team otherwise or to the late Kamen.


U use-ay the Googly, huh?

I think Ted Hughes passed away right before this movie came out, too. :(


Right. "Like/don't like" doesn't admit much discussion (although that doesn't stop people). My questions are on specifics.

As far as "tying things together" this score is a great example. The main theme and, to a lesser extent, a short secondary theme keep running through the whole movie sounding, at different times, childlike, eerie, menacing, majestic, etc. As for "boring", a lot of the scenes are quiet and reflective; the score is not going to sound like 'Batman'.

Besides the original score CD there are two short "suites" of Kamen's IG music at the end of the "soundtrack" album (the one with the period Pop songs). They make a good short introduction to the score. That one may be out of print, too.

Peace, or, as we used to say: Don't wig out.


If you're one of those who is more into the technical aspects of things, I'm not the person to talk to. Music for me, much like the movies I love, is heavily dominated by emotions. I want to feel things, feel the music, feel the emotions of the characters, and feel like I'm in new worlds. I want to be overwhelmed by feelings of all kinds and that tends to dominate how I determine my preferences. If I don't feel the music, I don't remember it too well and that is why the Iron Giants score doesn't resonate with me. The movie itself fills me with a lot of emotion and I'm glued to the screen every time. I've already listed examples of soundtracks in which I feel the music in my above post, none of which were Batman since I only listed animation scores.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


Nope. That score resonated with me emotionally before I ever thought about the other aspects. As far as discussing themes, etc., that was in reference to the OP's comment.

Again, "like/don't like" and "feel/don't feel" can't really be discussed. I was moved; you were not. That's about as far as that discussion can go. What can be discussed is a word like "boring" and that often has to do with how much action we need on the screen or in the music. Some of my favorite parts of this score are the slow, quiet sections; somebody might find them boring.

Also, if "the movie fills (you) with a lot of emotion" you may be responding unconsciously to the music. Try watching a movie without the score. Probably a lot less of an emotional experience. If you're familiar with the movie you might even have the score in your memory, cuing an emotional response while you're watching a particular scene.

The 'Batman' reference was a joke. Don't wig out.


Also, if "the movie fills (you) with a lot of emotion" you may be responding unconsciously to the music. Try watching a movie without the score. Probably a lot less of an emotional experience. If you're familiar with the movie you might even have the score in your memory, cuing an emotional response while you're watching a particular scene.

Yes. Thank you. How different would the movie be near the end if there was no music when the Giant faced the missile? Just because it's not your favorite score or whatever, doesn't mean you're not responding to a scene that's aided by a musical accompaniment. :)


I have to say that I do agree the score was just ok. Here's a little fun thing to try if you're bored.....

Try to sync up the track from the Guardians of the Galaxy of the galaxy score with the scene when the giant flies off at the end towards the bomb. When timed just right, you'll get it right in the feels all over again. Plus, it's a bit ironic given the situation with the giant and Groot.


Not that bored. In fact, the music for the final scenes in IG pretty much nails the emotional core of a great story. I think we're figuring things out, though. The IG score is no "Hooked On A Feeling", true. As far as "getting it right in the feels" I can do that without getting hit over the head. Some people need more...whatever to get them going. That's fine.


Guess what I'm watching... right now.

And no, it's not The Iron Giant. ^^

Srsly, though, how can you not get the feels for when the music when IG...?

OH, GOD! 😲


Maybe I can clarify things a little better in hindsight; The Iron Giant would only be half the movie it is without the score. Now, it's not my fault if someone doesn't "get it". I don't know what would be comparable to this? There are A LOT of really great scores. But, if someone other then the late composer for this movie did a score for, say, a cartoon series or something... there's no guarantee we'd have the same effect. Can you imagine putting The Emperor's New Groove score to Harry Potter?!


As a re-cap of sorts: this is a great score. It's quiet and subtle in spots and I find myself FFW'ing at times but the high points are something else and there are quite a few of them.

I'm not sure if it's still in "print" but the "soundtrack" CD (with the period Pop songs, not the orchestral score) has two tracks at the end with highlights from the score itself. They would probably make a good introduction.


And in all, souls don't die.


I think the score was good where it needed to be. The best example I could think of is when the giant is ascending up into the sky to sacrifice himself. The score there was very emotional, and went very well with the scene. Yeah, it could have used a better score, but for where the parts really mattered, the score shined. I think the film is amazing not because of the score, but because of the story involved. You have films like Batman Vs Superman, which has a great score, but a muddled story. I dunno about you, but I'd rather have a great story over a poor score.


Sorry, but I disagree. The score was great and helped elevate the movie to a higher level.
