Rate Larry Clark's Films

Only his features, of course...

Sadly, I haven't seen a single film by him (yet) and am VERY interested in your opinion of his work...

Please rate the films you've seen (out of 10, or 4-stars system, or 'from best to worst'), post/add your comments, recommendations, etc. ANY feedback very welcome and much appreciated. Thanks for your participation.

Filmography (features only):

The Smell of Us (2014)
Marfa Girl (2012)
Wassup Rockers (2005)
Ken Park (2002) 7/10
Bully (2001)
Another Day in Paradise (1997)
Kids (1995) 8/10

EDIT! Well, I finally started to 'discover' him. Saw 2 films so far. Yay!




From best to weakest;

1. "Another Day In Paradise" 8/10 Probably Clark's masterpiece, definitely his most ambitious work. Great performances too.
2. "Wassup Rockers" 7/10 Most people will disagree with this one, but Clark has fashioned his most intelligent film, filled with rich social commentary, and a savage attack on the rich. best of all, it's a fun movie to watch, unlike his other, very heavy films, this film actually has likable characters!
3."Kids" 7/10 The one that put Larry Clark on the map. Still shocking now, after so many years. It's not a masterpiece, but it's such a strong film that you feel like you know each character personally after watching it.
4. "Ken Park" 7/10 On par with "KIDS" only this time the young people are not the ones demonized; it's their parents. Every adult in this film is awful, self-centered and abusive. The characters are interesting as well. For some reason Clark decided to use a little 'hardcore' sex footage, probably to be controversial. It's no secret that Clark likes to shock his audience. Anyway that footage prevented Ken Park from being released in the States.
5. "Bully" 5/10 Clark's weakest film, he goes overboard here, and the kids in this one are so nasty and sick that it becomes comedy. Still worth seeing for the performance of Brad Renfro.

But i'm sure by now you have seen all of these films..
"IMdB; where 14 year olds can act like jaded 40 year old critics...'


1. Another Day In Paradise 8/10
2. Bully 8/10
3. Kids 9/10
4. Ken Park 9/10
5. Wassup Rockers 4/10
6. Marfa Girl 5/10


Marfa Girl (2012) 6/10
Wassup Rockers (2005) 7/10
Ken Park (2002) 10/10
Bully (2001) 10/10
Another Day in Paradise (1997) 9/10
Kids (1995) 10/10
