Best childhood memories.

He-man was an amazing cartoon for the time. I watched it in the mid to late 80s growing up as a kid and it was mesmerizing. I also played with a few of those toys that my friends had and it was fun as a young kid. The cartoons ended with a PSA type message which was cool. "Friends don't abandon friends" etc.

Obviously I look nothing like He-man but I always identified with him and wanted to be like him. A just role model and a great person with a freaking booming voice.

I always wondered if they made a movie or follow up sequel as I didn't quite know who Skeletor was or why he was after them and background on Sorceress and others and especially Grayskull.

* Also, how is it that no one notices Prince Adam looks EXACTLY like He-man and disappears when he appears and also carries the same exact sword. Lol. Even has his physique as well.

* Also, how does He-man transform back to Prince Adam? Is it like Hulk? I don't think I ever saw that transformation. Same for grainger, the battle cat.

* What happens to Skeletor and the Castle Grayskull? The series ended with no resolution at all. We don't know if Skeletor is defeated.

* How is it that Skeletor has a skull face? The bones actually don't touch so are they all floating in air? Where's his eye/brain etc.? Or was it just a mask/painting/facade? magic bs?

* Were there any movies/TV series/followups? I would LOVE to see more He-man cartoons/shows. He was the ultimate manly man with a name like HE-MAN! and I loved the Filmation intro sequence. Especially the little "tink" at the end of the word Filmation as it appears on screen following by a booming "He-man....." Just goosebumps.

I hope this series is not lost in annals of time as it stirred so many good concepts in me. As some who didn't even share some traits with He-man, he was my role model.
