The Great Gatsby

Hard to believe he actually started reading that book to the audience instead of doing a comedy act. He was peculiar in a lot of ways. I don't think there's ever been an entertainer as zany and over-the-top like he was.

He left such an impact that some people today are still believing he might STILL BE ALIVE.

Come to Middle-Earth, a world beyond the furthest reaches of your imagination


in the movie andy read the whole book as one by one the crowd left until a few people remained when he finished the book. in reality andy only read one page then did his usual performance.


I had heard he read quite a few pages, asked the bored audience if they wnated him to put on a record instead played one and it was recording of him reading it, however he only did this for a chapter not the whole book.

"Litke Tears In The Rain"


Sometimes he would read the whole book until people left.


He read the whole thing to get back at them. He says it himself in an interview. For some reason I can't copy/paste the link on my phone. But go to YouTube, type in "the real Andy Kaufman" and about 8:00 he says it. But watch the whole thing. He is worn out and tired. He says how rude they were to him. So he did it to get back at them. I see it as "You want to Boo at me? I'll give you something to boo at." Way to go, Andy! Lol
