MovieChat Forums > Simon Birch (1998) Discussion > The Jim Carry 1 minute disaster

The Jim Carry 1 minute disaster

And at the end of the film we see Jim Carry make his cameo and in 1 minute and 4 seconds watch him proceed in ruining this great film. Was it necessary for Jim to make a joke about urinating? With that comment he changed the pace of a beautiful ending into a self serving comedic moment to self his own interest. The directors cut should remove his cameo. Jim also proceeds to display a smirk after his piss poor joke sealing the tragic cameo and thus leaving his mark on the film.


You must have missed the first 10 or 15 minutes of the movie. First of all, Jim was in the movie right from the start; he visited Simon’s grave at the beginning. Second, he was the one narrating throughout the movie. Finally, the urinating joke was actually Simon’s: at the baseball game Simon quips Last year we played in the Squirt League and this year we’re in the Peewees. Do they want us to play baseball or urinate? And don’t forget the context; Joe told it to his son Simon.



Why is there always someone ready to jump on the 'let's slate Jim Carrey, again' bandwagon?? He in no way ruined the movie. Quit pickin' holes.


I didn't feel that quote made the movie change direction all of a sudden. It was just a lighthearted joke.



wow. just wow. that is all i can think of at the moment. maybe you need a nap.



I think that the piss joke keeps in tune with the overall tone of both the film and the book upon which it is based. Despite great tradegy, humour cannot and will not be lost.

IMDb is not a fansite.


I think you're right


I don't really agree with Jim Carrey's character anyway...obviously 'Simon Birch' changes 'A Prayer For Owen Meany' considerably, but part of the reason the book has so much power and pathos is the constant effect Owen has on Johnny's life - he remains a virgin, somehow "castrated" by the tragedy that robs him of his best friend, and is generally twisted and bitter about the American nation and angry and confused by God. So that final little twee moment between Jim Carrey and the son just didn't ring true, or at least, it didn't have the power of the original ending. Having said that, I think they did a great job of changing the ending so that it actually made a good movie. It just seems much more of a family film as it is than the book, which is truly harrowing.


either way, Jim Carrey didn't write the script
there was no improv like his usual movies, so it wasnt Jim Carrey that ruined anything


jim carrey is brilliant;versatile -thought provoking ;doesn't churn movies out like some comedy actors???? I could mention



out of all the weak, malnourished, bible-flogging, overexaggerated bits of crap that crawled together to form this inexcusably sh!thouse film, you choose to bitch about jim carrey's cameo??

if anything, the guy below proved you wrong, but your a dckhead anyway.


"hey look, two women *beep* a polar bear!"

my bloody valentine's loveless = pure bliss.


This is a childhood favorite of mine so I gonna say Jim Carrey didn't ruin this fantastic film. And lets face it every Jim Carrey out there is good I never see Jim Carrey playing Jim Carrey he always seems to disappear in his roles.

Don't worry, I saw Lord of the Rings. I'm not going to end this 17 times.


No, it's pretty clever actually because it's simultaneously a callback to an earlier joke as well as a sign that Simon Birch, and all of us, live on even after death in the memories of those close to us.
