MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > Just watched Force Awakens, and don't se...

Just watched Force Awakens, and don't see how it is 2.2 points higher

Force Awakens is just a hodge podge of ESB and ANH. It didn't take any big chances like TPM. It's a decent movie, but nothing in the high 8 range. Phantom Menace tries to show the scope of the Star Wars galaxy. It is an expanded view of what Star Wars is from Lucas. A time of peace before a great war, started by internal machinations. If you can take out all the purposely cheesy "battle droids" and take Jar Jar for the hapless idiotic hero that he is, it's got a lot going for it.

I think in general the prequels are underrated. JJ just took the original movies that everyone liked and aged the core characters. Lucas had to make a backstory for everyone in the original trilogy, and introduced all types of new ancestor characters. Sure, peacetime Jedi sitting around aren't too exciting to watch, but TPM is all about the Jedi becoming complacent, and not seeing a threat rising right underneath them.


If the prequels are under-rated, then I'm the queen of England!


Haven't seen The Force Awakens, and have no intention of ever seeing it...yeah, I read the reviews elsewhere, so I can't imagine how it would get higher scores than this one...and TPM was a stinker to someone who saw the original way back when...



I blame red letter media and his stupid videos about the prequels. It bolstered support and bred unfounded hate in fans and even non fans.

Then they complain about rogue one for 'pandering to fans with too many OT references' when it's EXACTLY what they were claiming was lacking from the prequels.

Anyway, I love ep 1 and 3, they are so real star wars, not TFA or rogue one. Those movies are just disney specials, worse than the holiday special.


force awakens had a story

phantom menace was quickly forgotten and left no real impact on pop culture


TPM - 2/10
TFA - 7/10

There. I fixed it.
