MovieChat Forums > Titan A.E. (2000) Discussion > I wish more people liked this movie.

I wish more people liked this movie.

That's really all I have to say it's one of all time favorites when I was a kid and it's a shame that it was better received. Although I suppose it somewhat of a minor cult classic. I really hope that I live to see the day serious animation for a mature audience is widely accepted in the western world.


It had a few too many plot twists, and the enemy aliens were a little too single minded. It needed to be less complex in the plot department, and more complex in the character department.

Throw a few more battle scenes in, and you have a winner. As it is now, it's just good.


14 years on it is still one of my favourite movies.......

Except the Drej were not really fleshed out as much as I would hope they be.


They're basically space bees. The Queen is the only one with a real will of it's own, and all the rest are just her drones. They don't even have eyes.

Prof. Farnsworth: Oh. A lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!


It's well liked by everyone that knows it.
It's just not well known.
It WAS well received and nominated for a few awards. It just got almost no real marketing to speak of so it went almost totally unnoticed.


I dunno, it's kinda nice liking a movie hardly anyone likes much less talks about. What matters is what I like, not what someone else likes.


I guess i just thought the pacing was exhaustively frenetic. They'd barely escape one scenario without a new one beginning, over and afain.

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I like it.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Agreed. It was very good and deserves to be more liked.
