MovieChat Forums > Titan A.E. (2000) Discussion > What would you mame a city on a new plan...

What would you mame a city on a new planet?

I kinda like "Magic City" or "Thunder City", for starters. Oasis, or something exotic sounding wpuld be cool.

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First you name the planet. Terra would be my choice. Then you build a settlement. Is there a river near? Riverside's a nice name.

Bored now.


Sorry Lexy, Terra? and Riverside? ...How formulaic... How expected...

How about the City of Tod, on the planet Spengo...



I would call the city....Joe. Joe, capital city of Planet Bob. lol

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.


The city would be called Saget, capital of the planet Bob.


New Detroit, Gemini Sector.

-Sent from my top of the line Desktop.
