trivia I read

Apparently, there was a scene shot and deleted that showed both Dillon and Bacon in the shower together, but they got rid of it, deeming it gratuitous. I call BS, after all the gratuity in the movie, that was just double standards, I would've been happy seeing that.

There was further background for Susie, that would've revealed she was secretly Kelly's aunt, giving her more claim to the money, and meaning they would've been committing incest, but Kelly wouldn't have known


it also says in trivia on imdb

"Kevin Bacon, who has a no-nudity clause, said his full frontal nudity was accidental. He didn't think anyone would see his nether regions, mainly because he thought Dillon was blocking the shot. "


There was further background for Susie, that would've revealed she was secretly Kelly's aunt, giving her more claim to the money, and meaning they would've been committing incest, but Kelly wouldn't have known

This is revealed in the longer unrated version (along with more of Richards’ norks)
