MovieChat Forums > The Velocity of Gary (1999) Discussion > Why does everyone hate this film?

Why does everyone hate this film?

I liked "The Velocity of Gary": I found it profound and touching.
Am I the only one?


KONG BITES HIS HEAD OFF in a PG 13 kinda way!


We don't (hate this film); obviously some insensitive red necks who can't cry are smearing it. I'm 65, Gay and found it to be a very moving film. Just saw it this week on cable. I'm wondering what happened to actor Jason Cutler who seems to not have any bio information anyplace. What a handsome, talented young actor (at least back when the film was made). I wish I knew more about what happened to his career after this poignant, compelling film. A little over the top in places? Perhaps so -- but what a compelling cast of characters! The young deaf drag queen was an Academy Award performance and the two black transsexuals were perfect as a Greek chorus. Two thumbs up from this aging queen in Honolulu (who's been around enough to know a damn good movie when I see one). Ignore the critics. It's excellent fare (if one is sensitive to/appreciative of those early days of AIDS).


I got it because I'm a fan of Vincent, but ended up really liking it. I like how I didn't always like the characters. I like how they had their own kind of family of friends and I really liked how it treated people dealing with death. I don't know why certain people have made such a stink on this site about it being bad, but it just wasn't. If you don't like it fine, but it wasn't bad. ESPECIALLY not the acting. (Even if Salma's character was a bit high-strung for my tastes.)

"Hey, you know what? It's a weird universe out there, man." -John Crichton


I've seen 'Velocity Of Gary' and have a copy of the film. My initial reasons were as yours, SamedisGirl, I've had a crush on Vincent D'Onofrio ever since 'Mystic Pizza'; Silly, I know, but I then realized how incredible an actor he is and how many risks he takes in diving feet first to play his roles and completely disappear into these personas.
Now as far as 'Velocity of Gary' is concerned I loved it because the people were real human beings, living on the edges of 'society' making a life for themselves in a world that dismisses those who are Gay, Bi, Transgender and/or dealing with the AIDS virus as well; not to mention those in the 'Adult Entertainment' field. What gets me angry is the hypocrisy of people who trash this film, are the very ones who buy adult films and surf the 'Net for the same sort of same material.
Not everyone that a person comes in contact with in 'real life' are always going to be 'likable' so why damn fictional characters in a film for having for being 'unlikable'? A character does not have to be a 'villian'or a 'hero' in order to make them someone you would care about. This is what makes the difference between a film that is independently made and not the usual overblown, mindless crap one sees in the multiplexes every summer. Lord knows the average member of 'The Herd' of humanity puts their collective minds -I really use that term loosely- in park and prefers to not think about the films they watch, it's just boobs, blood and explosions; sorry to say it but, it really is a sad case of Same S%@*, Different Day.
Mr. D'Onofrio lives to perform in primarily independent films and he's as great as always. Sorry for the rant, I really thought 'Velocity of Gary' is a sensitive and poignant telling the stories of unique people loving each other and living their lives their own way. Something you will never see in a major studio film.

Jean McArthur

P.S. If you are looking for a copy of 'Velocity of Gary' go to Movies Unlimited,
they sell both videos and DVDs. They have probably the largest catalog of films for sale I've ever seen, 400 hundred pages big and their web site:


That is a very eloquent defense of this film, Jean. Had I read it before I saw "The Velocity of Gary," I would have expected a much different film – and would have been even more disappointed.

I admire and respect Vincent D'Onofrio and the art of independent filmmaking, but I must say that this is the worst film of his I have seen and a complete failure on all counts. I'm glad the filmmakers tried to address society's castoffs, but I found none of the actors believable here. This film has a confusing tone – it's sometimes comedy, sometimes melodrama and never sincere. Do you really think this is an honest look at street hustlers, drag queens and porn stars? And if this film really wanted to address AIDS, why is the word never mentioned?

I will continue to support indie films that explore individuals outside the mainstream of society, but I don't think "The Velocity of Gary" is honest in any respect.


Hi Warped,

From my understanding, the writer/director Dan Ireland was forced by those in charge of distribution/publicity to make some fairly radical changes to the finished film and he made it very clear that he was unhappy with the finished work, but felt it was only fair to those who put in their time and money to release it, and hope for the best. Both Vincent D'Onofrio & Ethan Hawke put up a fair amount of their own money to make this film possible. As I said in my previous post, not everyone is going to be "likable" in life so why make it seem as though when trying to tell a truthful story?

Thanks for the inuput,

Jean Mac


Hello again, Jeanmac!

Thanks for the tidbits on Dan Ireland being forced to make major changes to the final version of "Gary." A lot of film suffer from studio meddling, and the final product turns out to be nothing like the writer and director intended. It seems pretty obvious that was the case here. Nonetheless, I respect Mr. Ireland as well as Vincent D'Onofrio and Thomas Jane for taking chances to make a movie a lot of mainstream stars wouldn't touch. Maybe someday they'll release a director's cut, if Mr. Ireland is so inclined.

Thanks again for the background, and even though I didn't like this as much as you did, I appreciate your insight.


I know the original post was posted ages ago, but since most people seem to think that only closed minded people don't like this film I'd like to say "Um, nope, other people think this film is bad too." My GSA group was having an unofficial GSA movie night.. meaning it wasn't supported by the school in any way. We went to the local video store and grabbed just about any movie with a 'gay' theme that they had. It seemed a fitting theme, in a slightly celebratory way as many people in the group were still discovering this other side of themselves. So we eventually end up popping in this movie. About half way through, we still had no idea where the plot was, hadn't connected with any of the characters.. except perhaps the deaf boy who died, and were so bored and uninterested with what was on the screen in front of us that everyone quickly agreed, almost desperately, when someone asked if we should watch something else.
I'd recommend "Relax... It's Just Sex" for anyone who tried to enjoy this movie but just couldn't seem to.


REALLY??? I didn't get it....
