


Great post
Never watched Tarzan (now I wanto to) and I love The Emperor's New Groove

Omae wa mo shinderu


An amazing post... I totally agree that Disney went into a departure after "Tarzan."

The thing was...the movies were incredible, but then it wasn't just the movies -- it was everything. The teasers, the trailers, the music, even the people performing in them: everything spoke to story, concept, visual energy.

Disney could take simple children story or even a literary classic (like Tarzan) and create a truly honest and captivating experience. Pixar followed in their footsteps with their own style, but I agree the "hand drawn," really brought life to the characters.

Still...I love what Pixar has accomplished and hold great respect for Disney's streak of films that really did end with "Tarzan."

I'm told the reason for the change was unfortunately...money. The deals for all the animators came due, contracts were up and Disney (more Eisner really)chose to take Disney in a different direction creatively (and budget wise) so the incredible animators left after their contracts were finished. "Emperor's New Groove," brought attention, but you're right, is also looked incredibly cheap. A vast departure from the astonishing visuals that defined Disney's name.

I agree Disney never recovered after "Groove,"(outside of Pixar)and even a last ditch hope of return to hand drawn -- the debacle "Treasure Planet," didn't have the same professionalism as when the past animators held the reigns. Sadly, they've all moved on elsewhere.


Wow! Good post. I agree that Tarzan is probably the last "true classic" Disney movie, but most of the movies made since then were not all that bad--though I personally wouldn't mind it if they brought back the songs

Supermodels...spoiled stupid little stick figures mit poofy lips who sink only about zemselves.


I can see you’ve known a lot of supermodels personally.

Oh? You have not? Quelle shock.


I do agree with everything you said, shbomb, as well as some of what others posted too. I've seen a handful of the "post-Tarzan" animated movies, and I would have to say that Tarzan was the last of its kind as far as top-notch quality hand-drawn animation.

Of the ones I did see after '99, my reactions were mixed (and I have yet to see "The Emperor's New Groove"):

-Dinosaur (2000): I think, but I could be wrong, that this was Disney's first attempt at a CGI film without Pixar -- and it shows. The animation is pretty amazing, but the story leaves some to be desired.

-Atlantis (2001): Just okay. I liked the stylized animation, but that was about all that was going for it. Poor Michael J. Fox could have used his time to do something that better served his talent.

-Lilo & Stitch (2002): I actually enjoyed this. I hoped that Disney was trying to redeem themselves for some of their recent failures, but apparently I was wrong. It was all downhill from here.

-Brother Bear (2003): Again, not much to the story; but I enjoyed this. Most of the time when Disney has talking animals as their main characters, there's a certain amount of charm to them. Besides, bears are powerful, some would say even majestic, creatures, and I thought they were animated well, even the "cartoon-y" versions when we, the audience, see & hear them speak. Plus, the moose stole the show!

-Chicken Little (2005): I saw this on cable, so I didn't pay to see it...and that was a good thing. Again, the CGI was well-done (and kudos to Zach Braff doing a voice), but the story didn't really do much for me, even though it was based on a classic fable.

It was disappointing to hear that Disney was closing its hand-drawn animation department when CGI movies started to become big hits, but they still shouldn't attempt to do them on their own. I've seen every Disney/Pixar film so far, and none have let me down like the "solo" Disneys (although some were better than others). Disney should just stick with Pixar all the way, if possible. At least the stories will be worth it.


The only movies I've seen out of your list are Atlantis and Lilo & Stitch. And while L&S was cute, it didn't have the good soundtrack that Tarzan had.

And Atlantis, let's face it, Disney hit a low, imo. If you've followed either Stargate the movie or the Stargate SG-1 series you'll know what I mean...

I'm watching Tarzan right now... and this film started off strong with the music, and gets straight to the point telling the story.

CGI & 3D films lose their sparkle if they're done so many times. It's too complicated and high tech, and that's why I have high hopes for Princess and the Frog. It's a breath of fresh air.

Failure is *not* a disgrace. It's a necessary byproduct of trying, of attempting, of learning. - Craig Ferguson


I feel as LILO and STitch Fan That Marked the emnd of that renisemts I think they May be on the verge of another Artistly AS of THe frog Princess


You know what I've realized when reading this?

One of the fantastic things I've loved about disney my whole life, is how i had the feeling of broadway in my livingroom. And now? That feeling is gone with the new disney movies. Sure, I'm entertained. But I dont feel the emotion that disney once held with classics like (and my personal favorite), Beauty and the Beast. And it's sad.

One of the reasons, I think, that disney has gone downhill, is that it doesnt prepare for these movies like they used to, besides the whole 3-D format. The creators would spend months in either Africa, or China, ect ect to make sure every detail drawn stayed true to the culture. They've lacked that passion in about the past 10 years. And that passioned showed in the voices of the actors, and more than anything, the art of the hand-drawn animation. That passion needs to come back to Disney, or else it isn't Disney at all.

Walt Disney himself is rolling over in his grave right now, I'm sure of it.

(and i apologize for bad grammer. Its 2am here. haha)



Agree...Tarzan was TRULY the last GREAT Disney movie:it had story,it had characters,it had amazing drawings...After that,Disney went downhill and in the worst way possible :P


I wouldnt say disney went downhill. It just went in a different direction. And change is never bad. The disney animated films have changed dramatically throughout the years. Almost each decade has a different look and style. Just look at the style from the 60's to the 80's to the 90's and of course into the 00
s. They all were different.


Really? The first Lilo and Stitch is really this hated? (Not targetted speciffically at toplaycool, several others have said this) Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, Aristocats are all great movies. But come on, Lilo and Stitch is pretty damn good too. It has emotion and some good comedy.


It was good, but otherwise forgettable. Not like the classics that people like to watch over and over again.

"Ha, did he just call me a Luddite?"


You are right, except for the fact that Brother Bear was also the same musical style as Tarzan and the other 90's movies.
Same applies to the sequels to the 90's movies, like The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning, Tarzan 2 and Mulan 2 (even though the songs in Mulan 2 sucked ass).


I agree with you 100%


I do agree with the overuse of 'comic relief' characters especially in the Disney Channel shows. Shows such as Hannah Montana do not have a single 'normal' character.


I do think that Disney went downhill. But after the millennium everything kinda went downhill. TV doesnt have the great shows as it did in the 90s maybe with a few exception even Disney Channel or Nickelodeon isnt the same(early 2000's were good with Lizzie and Even Stevens).

When I first saw Tarzan I was very impressed with the drawings which I think are just breathtaking. Im a sucker for cartoons and hand drawings and CGI is good the first time you see it was really good with Toy Story and A Bug's Life. But after you see it AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN it really does get annoying they need to try something new.

Post Tarzan there were a few bright spots like Lilo & Stitch I think was very good and had a sense of old Disney style. With the water colors and all that was good and the storyline was really good too but after that just no lol.

But like I said it wasnt just Disney that went downhill after the 90's in my opinion it was just everything did. Music sales, TV, Movies, everything lol.

Kelly Clarkson & Carrie Underwood RULE!
Sara Bareilles is AMAZING!
Thank U Alanis Morissette!!


After tarzan the one i found really interesting was Treasure Planet dont know why but i liked that movie and it had a great plot and i wanted a sequel just to know what happened next. If you dont count Pixar which has never made a bad movie then they just gave up i think chicken little was the final but i hated chicken little so much! its boring, annoying, thin plot, and clueless characters


Disney really dropped incredibly in quality after Tarzan, And it's extra sad considering Tarzan itself was like a renaissance whithin the disney renaissance.
It was such a big step forward, and yet, what do they do after Tarzan...

It's too bad they didn't continue from the unpresidented level they reached in tarzan.. Let's just hope they return to it now =)


I agree with some what your saying. I didn't think Tarzan was a great movie but it had some stunning visuals and was probably the last time we saw a high standard of Disney's traditional animation. Sadly it seems they have now abandoned blue canvas which was probably the best way of merging new 3D technology with traditional animation.

I wasn't pleased by the merger of Disney/Pixar. While Pixar are responsible for work like the truly outstanding Toy Story, animation as a visual art, in my opinion, is disappearing. The wonderful brush stroke effect shown in Beauty and The Best, The Lion King, Tarzan etc. will no longer be seen in Disney films. Animation's only hope may be Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli!



I agree completely with the original poster's points.

Tarzan marked the end of an era. The films that came after all had a specific genre. Lilo & Stitch is probaply the most Disney-esque as its themes resemble Dumbo, Bambi and Lady & the Tramp. But either we got straightforward comedies like New Groove, Chicken Little, Home on the Range or Meet the Robinsons... Or we got action/adventure films like Atlantis and Treasure Planet.

Bolt is in my opinion the first Disney film to break this genre trend. It's more in line with Lilo & Stitch and Pixar's films.

The trend will be officially broken with Princess and the Frog and Rapunzel. Eventhough Rapunzel will be computer animated, the Alan Menken songs will undoubtedly make it feel as if it escaped from the 90s. And The Princess and the Frog just looks and feels like classic Disney. King of the Elves I'm not sure about. It sounds more like a Pixar film. But since it's based on a fantasy short story by Phillip K. Dick, maybe not so much. I'd have to read the story to see if this will fit in with the typical Disney fare.


This is why I'm super excited about The Princess and the Frog coming out this december. Although I was heartbroken when I found out Alan Menken was no longer involved in its production I still have hope that this movie will return Disney to its greatness!
