Worst. Movie. Ever.

The only similarity this movie shares with Curb or Seinfeld, is that Larry David's name appears in the credits of all three.

Otherwise, you would never have known that such crap could spill from the brilliant mind of Larry David.

This movie was just terrible. It had NONE of the brilliant humour from either Seinfeld or Curb. Trust me, I'm a huge fan of these shows and could survive watching tv with only these shows playing 24-7.

To make matters worse, I couldn't find this movie at at local video store. So thinking it would be a keeper anyway (wow, was I wrong!) I bought the DVD. Complete waste of money and time. I actually had to stop the movie since it was so UNFUNNY and BORING. I have yet to attempt to watch the rest and doubt that I ever will.

I'll just continue to watch the comedic brilliance that is Curb (and Seinfeld).


I disagree, I simply felt it was Seinfeld played by different actors, with the ridiculousness of awkward situation seen in Curb. I enjoyed it.

"It's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it"


Well, I've been a huge fan of Seinfeld and CYE for years now, and watched this movie recently knowing full well LD was behind it. And you know what? It wasn't half bad. Okay, so the acting may not have been the worlds greatest, I kept picturing LD as Richie and Steve Carell as Evan (maybe just the facial mannerisms and way of speaking) but the comedy was pure Larry David, Richie was just as stubborn with his point of view as LD in CYE, the girl who played Richie's girlfriend (Roberta?) was an early draft of Suzie from CYE (mouthy, loud, brash, biatch!) and some of the scene's were even extended/redone later on in CYE (the obsession with elevator etiquette for one) plus there was the use of a classical music score (a constant in CYE). The story played out nicely and you never quite knew how far it would go and in the end everything tied up beautifully (just like CYE... there is a pattern developing here). So, if you think this is the worst movie ever then, I dunno, watch Highlander 2 or Wild Wild West and see truly stinking movies, made in Hollywood no less!

"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA, WHOA... Lois, this is not my Batman glass."


"Trust me, I'm a huge fan of these shows and could survive watching tv with only these shows playing 24-7."

that's what I do....really.....and I like this movie. if anything, the characters were too much like seinfeld and that I like :D and it had some very funny scenes. your thread is just stupid....


I guess I fall into a small group of people who don't care for Seinfeld but love Curb. So I don't know if I would like this movie?



I like it!


IMO, Seinfeld is absolutely the best comedy sitcom ever, bar none. And this from a guy that refused to watch more than a snippet here and there until probably season eight. The show about nothing was actually sophisticated in many ways, especially in the depth of the characters. And I guess this was not apparent to me at all after watching three minutes here and two minutes there. The writers were masters at interweaving tangled plots better than any show before or since.
I suppose I came in on the tail end of one character's situation and maybe saw a couple of minutes of the next character's beginning situation and not seeing any relevance or making any sense of it, judged it wrong. I guess I am really posting this by way of an apology to Jerry and David for not appreciating their talents early on. So sorry I didn't think you were funny....... seriously!


This movie sure sucks for a Larry David project
