How is this rated so low?

C'mon you guys, 5.5? IT should AT LEAST be in the 7 area.

\m/ rock on!

I got it! I got it! I got it! I don't got it.~~ High Anxiety


I gave it 10/10.!

`If you dont get the sarcasm in the Username ,dont bother`


Most people on here seem to have a strong opinion of it one way or the other.
I guess I'm an exception, because I thought it was an O.K. movie, so 5.5 seems appropriate to me. I've seen a lot of movies that are better than this, and a lot that are worse.



I agree, this movie really is underrated. should at least be a 6 imo

I'm reviewing the situation


I think it depends on whether you like Will Ferrell and Chris Kattan.
I found the movie to be pretty hilarious at times and made me laugh out loud so would def give it a 7 along with it's great soundtrack


Definitely. Something between 6.5 to 7 seems the fair rating.
Overall pretty flimsy and cheesy, but I had some laugh out loud moments in between.


Well, it's been 6 years since it was only a 5.5, and now it's up to an average of 6.2. I think this movie's been developing more of a cult following over the years. So perhaps within another few years it'll get closer to a 7.0.

Welcome to Fright Night....for real.
