Gay subtext?

I'm surprised there hasn't yet been a thread like this.

Poster 1

You'll think I'm weird, but someone told me this film had a gay subtext. Do you think Whale had a bit of a thing for the gardener? I have a theory that Whale was supposed to be a homosexual. Think about it: The naked men around the garden; the male-male full kiss on the lips; the scene where Whale grabbed for the guy's crotch; the way everyone kept calling him a homo; and the way he had other guys for lovers.

I might be overreacting, but I was sure there was a bit of a gay theme going on underneath. What does everyone else think?

Poster 2

You *beep* queers are all the same!!! You think there's a *beep* homo under every rock jesus!!! The caracter of jAmes whale was just a sweet old man who enjoyed another mans company. holy *beep* Can't we have a discussion round here without the queers having to bring there homo agenda into it? Jesus christ it was a movie about a guy who made good movies with frankenstein monsters and you have to sully his reputastion by saying he was gay only a *beep* queer would notice the bit where he grabbed the other guys cock anyway. You guys who always think their's a hidden gay subtext need to get a life jesus!!!

Am I right or am I right? Right? Right? Right?


I am stunned by how many people are too stupid to see this was a joke since he gave both the theoretical first post AND the response and both are exactly the way such idiotic threads start.
There is no way it could not be a joke.

Holy hell.

I have lost my faith in humanity because imdb is filled with thick people!


Ha-ha! Funny.

When i lived in L.A. they had a word for old homosexuals that wanted to get with way younger guys: Trolls.

These days though, they could always just call an escort agency, huh?


You a funnny guy beele. Me likee u.

Were you glad about the idiots who proved your point, or was it embarrassing? I waffle on that one.

Here's looking at you, kid.


Jurrasic park was a dino-movie

Friday the 13th was a movie with a guy who killed people

jaws had a shark in it

napoleon died

beatles are no longer together

Gods and Monsters dealt with a homosexuel

hope this clears alot


Napoleon DIED? Omigod! And I didn't get a chance to send flowers.

Whale wa very much as "open" as one got in hollywood, and was only allowed such largesse because he was no longer working. Had he still been linked to a studio there would have been unlimited control over his public life, just like rck hudson's etc.

Anyone who doubts whales sexuality has only to watch Pretorius in "Bride of Frankenstein"; truly the first large gay part in american films. And he is a strong, powerful person who happens to be gay, unlike the fops seen in movies of the time.


To BillyFisher -- excellent post. And, some of us actually got it.

"Americans are obsessed with God & money, but they're warm-hearted & energetic"


Thank you for your post. I'm surprised these posts didn't appear either and if you'll look at your other responses, apparently others did not take your post in the spirit in which it was meant, or it went right over their head.


Hey, BillyFisher, brilliant post. Thanks for the laugh !

Though, I'm not sure what was funnier, really -- your post, or all the people who took it so seriously and almost did exactly what you were satirising.


LOL.........yep....excellent START to a thread. Totally reminds me of a -real-one where a poster was all p-ed off at all the reading of the queer elements of THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN. lol........

"Phuc Peace, Time To Kill Everyone!"


One of the best threads ever - and sadly so many fell for it. God makes you wonder about all the other stuff posted on here.


BillyFisher, you rule! You just gotta be...less subtle...HEE.

"Thus began our longest journey together." To Kill a Mockingbird


I agree, apparently the OP's joke was too subtle. Or too well executed.
Personnally I thought it was just hilarious. But you gotta love how people

1/ Don't understand sarcasm
2/ Don't read other posters' answers, or else they would have understood as well

With the newspaper strike on, I wouldn't consider dying! /Bette Davis/


a film about a gay director with a gay subtext? never
