MovieChat Forums > A Bug's Life (1998) Discussion > Pixar's most underrated movie.

Pixar's most underrated movie.

I still don't understand why a lot find A Bug's Life to be one of Pixar's weakest to this day, it's Pixar's most underrated movie. I mean, it has the best Pixar villain IMO in Hopper which was one of Kevin Spacey best performances, it's one of the funniest Pixar movies and has a great story. I get that maybe it does have some weak or forgettable character but still I have it up there with WALL-E, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille, Up & Toy Story 1 & 3. It's an awesome flick and guess what I still find it to be slightly better than Antz which I liked a lot but A Bug's Life was more fun IMO.

Anyways, here's how I rank all Pixar movies (a lot of ties):

Ratatouille/Finding Nemo/Up
Toy Story 1 & 3/A Bug's Life
The Incredibles
Toy Story 2
Cars 2
Monsters, Inc.

"I like being bad, it makes me happy." - Eddie Brock/Venom, Spider-Man 3


I agree. I haven't seen all the Pixar movies, but as far as your list goes, I'd have to say I actually put A Bug's Life all the way at the top. Best Pixar movie to date IMHO.

There's a plan in everything, kid. And I love it when a plan comes together!


Yea, very underrated. A Bug's Life was the very first Pixar movie I saw when I was a kid, believe it or not. Then I saw Toy Story 1 & 2 later on.

"I like being bad, it makes me happy." - Eddie Brock/Venom, Spider-Man 3


I think it's just because it was so early on in their career, and because it was book-ended by Toy Story films, which of course will always be more popular. People just tend to forget about it. I didn't think much of it either until I decided to watch it again many years after originally seeing it, and upon viewing it a second time, I thought, "Hey, this is actually a really good movie. Who knew?" I think it just gets lost in the constant buzz over the newer films. I wouldn't put it in my top tier (which is basically the same as your top 3 spots there, including the ties), but I'd still rank it above a lot of the others.

Team You've Got a Very Important Date
Alice Army!


Why’s it Forgotten? A Bug’s Life and Antz


I've got to say, compared to "Cars 2" and "Ratatouille", YES this movie is VERY underrated! Hopper was one of the best villains Pixar could come up with! Flick was kind of generic and Atta was very annoying, but the rest of the characters make up for that. ^_^

Actually, every character in this movie to me is more interesting than any character in "Ratatouille".

"I kick arse for The Lord!" (Dead Alive)


It's way too underrated. Here's how I rank the Pixar movies(haven't seen brave):

1. Toy Story
2. Toy Story 2
3. Toy Story 3
4. Monster's Inc
5. Finding Nemo
6. The Incredibles
7. Up
8. A Bug's Life
9. Ratatouille
10. Wall-E
11. Cars
12. Cars 2

And here's how IMDb ranks them:

1. Toy Story 3 (8.5)
2. Wall-E (8.4)
3. Up (8.3)
4. Toy Story (8.2)
5. Finding Nemo (8.1)
6. Ratatouille (8)
7. Monster's Inc (8)
8. The Incredibles (8)
9. Toy Story 2 (8)
10. Brave (7.6)
11. Cars (7.3)
12. A Bug's Life (7.2)
13. Cars 2 (6.4)

So as you can see, I only agree with Cars 2 and Finding Nemo.


Its easily my favorite out of the lot.

'Hey hey mama said the way you move!'


Totally agreed! Recently I've rewatched all the Pixar's films, and I found out A Bug's Life was indeed pretty good, for me, I'm not a fans of Toy Story 1 & 2. My ranking all the movies.

01. Toy Story 3
02. Finding Nemo
03. Monsters Inc.
04. Wall-E
05. Up
06. A Bug's life
07. The Incredibles
08. Brave
09. Cars
10. Ratatouille
11. Toy Story 2
12. Toy Story
13. Cars 2


I agree that Bug's Life is very underrated, but at the same time I feel that most of the Pixar movies deservedly rank higher than it except in one measure, discussed below. (I haven't seen Cars 2 or Brave; and I would regardless rate Cars and Toy Story 3 below Bug's Life-- I know I'm in the minority in not regarding TS3 all that highly)

Frankly, Bug's Life is thematically one of the simplest of the Pixar movies. Most Pixar movies function on two levels: the adult version and the kiddie version. There are the cute visuals, slapstick antics, and action sequences that appeal to kids. And then there are a blend of underlying themes targetting adults, often satirical, often nostalgic, often emotional, sometimes subversive, and often very self-aware. Bug's Life is a pretty straight-forward movie plotwise. There isn't really a second layer of story beneath the surface.

However, this simplicity is exactly why I think Bug's Life is the best Pixar movie and one of the best overall kids movie for very young children--ie preschoolers. Sure, preschoolers would ENJOY Toy Story, Incredibles, Wall-E, and Up. But an enormous portion of those movies would go over their heads. The purity of Bug's Life's plot and themes- hardwork, individuality v. tradition, diversity v. conformity, bullying and justice-- are not too hard for a very young child to grasp. That is why I literally just showed this movie to my 3.5 year old as his first "official" feature-length movie.


Agreed. This is the one I've watched the most times.
All the other ones I've seen, at most, twice, but A Bug's Life has gotten at least 10 viewings out of me.


But how is this movie underrated if it has attractions at Disney Parks? Just because it doesn't get mentioned as much as Toy Story doesn't mean it is underrated. I mean, do you see a Treasure Planet attraction at Walt Disney World? No.

