Gore level

Hey Peeps! :) Today i watched Wishmaster on netflix, and when the movie was over i couln't help but to be suprised by the gore in this film (I'm a gore hound and i love this movie) but i was still suprised...what do u guys think of it? Did u guys think it was gorier than expected?

Also... Tony Todds cameo was awesome... Wish he would have had a bigger part though


I wasnt expecting gore at all. Nobody's ever bothered telling me this was a gore effects flick. And i love em.


Yes, I was quite surprised and the effects and gore-level. Especially the party scene. It's like the director just said to the effects team - here's your budget, do whatever the hell you want.
The guy with his skin pulled back around his stomach comes to mind.


It was gorier, and the FX were better, than I was expecting.
