MovieChat Forums > Spawn (1997) Discussion > 5 worst superhero/comic book movies

5 worst superhero/comic book movies

i don't think this movie was that bad, but i know this is a spawn board so the die hards fans are harsh to it.

in your opinion that are the 5 worst Super hero/comic book to film adaptions. 1 being the worst.

Mine are:

1. Ghostrider
2. Batman & Robin
3. Judge Dredd
4. Masters of the Universe
5. Superman IV


1. Hulk
2. Punisher ( whatever one had the Russian in it)
3. The Dark Knight
4. the early 90's fantastic four movie
5. The first x-men


1. Captain America
2. Catwoman
3. Ultraviolet
4. Superman IV
5. Judge Dredd

Ghostrider and Daredevil were also crap but nowhere near as bas as the films I listed above.

I actually liked the original Punisher film with Dolph Lundgren. Dolph Lundgren isn't a very good actor but his portrayal of the Punisher was pretty spot-on.


Supergirl I consider this to be the worst of all time! Horrible dialogue! Atrocious script, worst special effects ever, & acting not worth mentioning bcuz honestly, nothing could save it.

Punisher w/Dolph Lungren
Catwoman Halle Berry
Nick Fury David Hasselhoff
Steel Shaquille O'Neal
Fantastic Four 1994 unreleased version
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace
Captain America 1990
TMNT II: The Secret of the Ooze
Howard the Duck

Batman & Robin was bad, but I @ least find it tolerable. The ones I listed are movies I can never watch again. I know this is way more than 5, so sue me lol


1. Dragonball Evolution
2. Catwoman
3. Batman and Robin
4. Captain America
5. Steel

Ade due damballa, GIVE ME THE POWER I BEG OF YOU!


In no paticular order...

Xmen 3
Superman Returns
The League of Extraordianry Gentlemen

... Can't really think of a fifth. I have avoided Fantastic Four, Elektra, and Catwoman. I don't remember enough of Captain America to give a solid opinion.


1-5 Wanted



Most of the movies list in this board are mainstream movies. Here are some that time and people have forgotten(thank goodness).

Vampirella (1996)
Red Sonja (1985)
Fist of the North Star (1995)
Mars Attacks! (1996)
Popeye (1980)
Tank Girl (1995)
Monkeybone (2001)

Those are just a few i can remeber.

reply order, I really don't care anymore. And Ultra Violet isn't based on a comic book, the creator of it just wanted it to have the feel of one.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Batman and Robin
Batman Begins
X-Men 3

And an added extra:
The Dark Knight (I was treated badly for openly stating that the movie bored me to death)


I realize my not having enjoyed the books may be having an effect here, but I can't believe the listings for Hellboy (and 2). They're very enjoyable to me as standalone works; I just wonder what went wrong if comic fans don't like them. That I've seen, I mostly dislike X-3: The Last Stand for pretending that The Juggernaut is a mutant and Spiderman 3 for that jazz club scene. I've never seen some of the consensus worst in here, like Catwoman, Elektra, and Superman IV....guessing that's a good sign.


I disagree. Ghostrider was better film than all of the movies below it. Batman and Robin should be number 1.


Masters of the Universe may be one of worst screen adaptations but Skeletor (Frank Langella) was uber then and now. Total badass performance for a badass villain.
