MovieChat Forums > Spawn (1997) Discussion > 5 worst superhero/comic book movies

5 worst superhero/comic book movies

i don't think this movie was that bad, but i know this is a spawn board so the die hards fans are harsh to it.

in your opinion that are the 5 worst Super hero/comic book to film adaptions. 1 being the worst.

Mine are:

1. Ghostrider
2. Batman & Robin
3. Judge Dredd
4. Masters of the Universe
5. Superman IV


Ghostrider at 1 and Masters of the Universe at 4?!? You're just a dramaking going along with the general opinion.


i have seen all of the above and havent seen any worse. ghostrider would have been better if nicolas cage wasn't in it. masters of the universe is horrible. half of the characters aren't even in it. and when does he-man ever shoot a laser gun in the comics. and notice that every bad guy in this movie looks like darth vader. really creative let me tell you. if i would have just been going on with the general opinion, then spawn would have been my number one choice.


Those are the 5 worst comic to film movies you seen?

There are FAR worse comic to film adaptions then those, however not everyone knows or relizes what movies are/were based off comics or not, like Barbwire for instance.


Why does everyone hate Ghost Rider? It was a fun movie. It wasn't meant for a point. Geez....


Yeah, why's everybody hating Ghost Rider? I enjoyed it. I love Nicolas Cage. Seriously, what was wrong with that movie, other than Eva Mendes being creepy-looking?


Believe me there are worse comic book movies than Spawn or Ghost Rider, just watch Captain America.




You wanna know what was wrong with Ghost Rider? Wes Bentley's god awful

performace! That was one of the worst acting jobs ever. My top five worst comic

book/superhero movies are

1. Batman & Robin

2. Barbwire

3. Ghost Rider

4. Fantasic Four

5. Batman Forever

These are my opinions, I'm not going with what other people say.


ok mr smartypants, ruler of the internet, haha pwned shift +111


Did you guys forget Catwoman??

I know it has Halle Berry in it but thats it - the rest is naff!!

The world largest Villain Index!


Didn't she get a Razzie for worst movie of the year when it came out??? they had a damn ceremony and everything. Holy crap i just found it on youtube. LOL


There are so many bad Comic Book movies...

Punisher (with Dolph Lundgren)
The Spider-Man TV Movies
Batman & Robin
Aeon Flux
Every Crow movie except the first


every crows a lil harsh ill give you city of angels the one with erica draven and wicked preyer. but the crow and salvation were good

Bring On The Deadpool Movie!!!!!!!!


CATWOMAN and JUDGE DREDD are probably the worst I have seen. BATMAN & ROBIN and GHOST RIDER pale by comparison. AEON FLUX was pure junk, but I must admit the actress (Ashley Judd or Charlize Theron, I don't remember which) has the right junk in the trunk, so I am not compaining.


The first punisher was soo bad it made me wanna watch the Crow spin offs!! :)

You know a bad comic book movie when ya see it


Love the Ghost Rider hating. It's like everyone says it sucks because other people have said it but no one can give a reason why. I liked it all right but there really are some valid reasons you could use for why it sucked. Cage isn't one of them. I'd list them but then everyone would just use them. Here's an example though. Every single fight in the movie up until Blackheart is the same and they don't really have much to them. See? That wasn't so hard.



Also the fact that both Ghost Rider and Elektra both had fight sequences that lasted all of about 7 seconds, where in semi major villains are dispatched without even a proper introduction.

David Caruso "Worst actor ever!"


Jeez, hasn't anyone hear ever seen "The Guyver"? You know, the one where Mark Hamill mutates into a giant squid? Now that was a bad movie.

Don't play stupid with me - I'm better at it!


the guyver was an awesome movie. id have to say the hulk was the worst comic book movie

Bring On The Deadpool Movie!!!!!!!!


Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It was on tv one day and my girlfriend and I sat there and watched 20 minutes of it before deciding to pop in something The Phantom with Billy Zane...

..heh, joking joking.

But really, 20 minutes of that movie was far...far...too much. My opinion, of course.


catwoman and electra sucked

and all of you batman fans sorry to say this but batman begins sucked although hes my second favorite superhero next to spiderman

I liked spawn but I had no idea who he was until I saw the movie. I didn't even know he existed

but yea awsome movie


Why do you say Batman Begins "sucked?" I'm not trying to start something, I've just never heard of somebody who liked Batman and didn't like that movie.


no kidding :P


I like Batman and really didn't enjoy Batman Begins, although it's not really a terrible movie like some of the ones mentioned here. And I loved Tim Burton's Batman movies as well as The Dark Knight, but Batman Begins was dull, with bad, messy action scenes, terrible acting from Katie Holmes and two very uninspired villains - although the darker and grittier atmosphere was a definite improvement over the Schumacher movies and really made me want to like it, it just didn't cut it as a movie, but at least it paved the way for the much better sequel.

"Who said anything about slicing you up, man? I just wanted to carve a little Z on your forehead."


the phantom is awesome, man.


Here, here!


the guyver was bas a$$!!! well, back in the day. the second one was wack tho.



i loved that movie as a kid!

there was another weird movie with a bunch of mutated freaks that i remember as a kid i cant remember now. the freaks were trying to stay at this carnival and some people were trying to use them as soldiers of some sort? maybe it was all a dream...

... but you helped remind me of this movie, maybe you can pinpoint this other one for me, eh?

good spirits be near, bad spirits at bay


i have no problem with daredevil (both versions)

and i dont mind batman forever and begins, as for batman and robin *sigh*

Bring On The Deadpool Movie!!!!!!!!


For me:

"A jar of dirt?"
-You don want it, Give it back


Now that's funny. Putting Superman at #1.. Ever heard of "Superman IV: The Quest for Peace"?
Don't know if it's the worst comicbook-movie in the world, but it sure is much worse than Superman.


How can anyone say that Superman - The Motion Picture is the worse comic book adaptation ever made!!!?? It's the absolute best! The one that opened the way for all the other superhero movies that were ever made! I know taste is a subjective thing, but seriously, you have to have absolutely no taste in movies to hate Superman! Even my parents, who are in their 60's and hate superhero movies love that one! Jeez!


The the number one that sucked major balls was Nick Fury: Agent Of Shild....
Can You Say David Hasselhoff, Really The only thing he played in that was
good was Knight Rider and even So K.I.T.T.


"Every Crow movie except the first"

Impossible. Neither The crow: city of angels, Salvation or Wicked turd are based on comics. They are not comic book-to-film. City of angels had a comic, but it was based on the movie itself after it was made; not the other way around.

Anyway. I'll agree with the others here and say that the Nick Fury Hasslehoff movie is freaking horrible. It's not even funny or entertaining in a bad way!

I think the director's cut of Daredevil is really good. Judge Dredd could have been a lot better had Miramax not interfered (as they always do) and cut 45 minutes from the movie and reshot scenes. While on the subject of Miramax, the same thing happened to The crow: city of angels, only worse. They removed approximately a whopping 60 minutes from the film (plus reshot scenes replaced real ones) and re-arranged the scene order completely. I don't think people would crap all over it if they were to see the real cut. The released "Exclusive director's cut!" is actually a cover-up on Miramax's part. This is essentially stated in the audio commentary by production designer Alex McDowell during the fight between Ashe and Kali. What's really funny is that Jeff Most says 'We only cut a little bit'. Yeh Jeff, if an HOUR of footage is just a little bit! Director Tim Pope refused to partipate in the audio commentary for obvious reasons.

"All my life i've wanted the i AM THE TRUTH!!!"



Supergirl was fairly sh!te.

Fantastic 4 was absolute sh!te if you ask me, both the new version and the unreleased Roger Corman version, which was at least had a more faithful version of The Thing and Dr Victor Doom.

It's worth noting that Judge Dredd is not a Superhero film, nor is the Joseph Dredd character. I actually liked JD, even though in my heart I know it's total pants :D

The TMN Turtle films were ALL genk, even the new one looks genk!

But the worst one in my opinion, is Elektra. I weas bored to tears watching that crap.


But Dredd is a comic book character. :)

I have not seen the Elektra movie, but i heard the director himself crapped all over it when it came time to actually assemble his "director's cut". I remember reading all these things beforehand; that the movie would be restructured and feature much new footage -- then he lames out and stuffs in 2 minutes of worthless material, not touching anything else whatsoever. LOL
Upon hearing this, i'll likely never watch the movie.

I'll give it to you that the rest of the TMNT movies are turd, but the first one is awesome!

"All my life i've wanted the i AM THE TRUTH!!!"


Yep, I have to admit, the 1st TMNT film was mildly amusing, and at least faithful to the source material.

You'll do well to avoid Elektra! It is so bad it's not even worth watching to see Jennifer Garner strut her stuff.

'The Fist Of The North Star' live action film was absolutely TERRIBLE, especially when you consider the great MANGA it was based on.


5 Best: Blade II, Batman Returns, The Phantom, X-men, Superman 4.

5 Worst: X-Men 2, Fantastic 4, Spiderman 2, The Punisher (2005 version), Batman & Robin.

I dont have anything against Spiderman 2 but I think its overated. X2 had too much drama and lacked action. I prefer the older versions of the fantastic Four and The Punisher over the newer ones.

I'm one of the few that likes Superman 4 although the plot wasnt serious like the 1st 2, its a movie thats still entertaining. Some superhero films should be about fun.


5 best
V for Vendetta
Superman Returns (I just really liked seeing Supes all vulnerable like that, screaming like a chick getting hit in the face with a softball at practice.)
The Punisher Ver. 1.5 (yes the new one)
5 worst
Blade Trinity
League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Fantastic Four
Captain America
The Mask
Son of the Mask
sorry got alil carried away


I could go with Dantes except The Crow where Blade is and bump spiderman off


Oh come on people. Seriously? Spidey 2? Xmen 2? Batman Begins? I can understand not being fond of the movies, but to actually consider them amongst all comic book movies and really see them as the worst?? Seriously? With as many as there are that are obviously abyssmal, you pick Batman Begins?? Geez, be a little more objective.

Catwoman (for me this is the worst of all time -it had no excuse to suck anywhere as bad as it did)

Batman and Robin (obvious. even Schumacher admits this was a joke)

Daredevil (haven't seen DC, but nothing about this felt right)

Spawn (man this movie tried, but holy crap does it suck)

Fantastic Four (omg. they got Human Torch spot on, but everything else so wrong. people shouldn't make excuses for it.)

I haven't seen some of the more obvious ones like Punisher (original) or Captain America or Fantastic Four (original), etc.


I agree with that...Daredevil wasn't anything perfect but I liked it for two reasons: 1: Colin Ferrall as Bullseye and Michael Clarke Duncan as The Kingpin. Those two were on the other do i say this was a piece of *beep*

so, here are the worst vids

1: Batman & Robin (Alicia Silverstone as Batgirl...need I say more?)
2: Elektra
3:Spawn (althouth John Legizamo did a good job as the lil psychotic clown)
4. X3 (let me explain this...there were parts i liked but overall the movie wasn't as good as it could have been...there was no more nightcrawler and that pissed me off...should have seen more Cyclops...and in the series...having Ian McKellan play Magneto was wrongly cast as was Rogue...Magneto was much more physically imposing and Rogue wasn't a whiney p*ssy...I also thought that the Pyro/Iceman fight could have been much better. I did like beast though :) )
5. Along Came a Spider (okay, I know this one was based on a book and not a comic book but Potter really made me mad...she couldn't act for anything...Made a potentially really good film with a wonderful actor...aka Morgan Freeman...a crap film)



"Every Crow movie except the first"

Impossible. Neither The crow: city of angels, Salvation or Wicked turd are based on comics. They are not comic book-to-film. City of angels had a comic, but it was based on the movie itself after it was made; not the other way around.


Wicken Prayer wasn't based on an official comic, but was originally a novel. Not sure if city of angels was originally supposed to be "The Crow: Dead Time" or not, but the make up in it looked very similar to his make up in that comic.

as to 5 worst and best movies, in my opinion they would be -

Spiderman 1, Batman Returns, Hellboy, Sin City, and 300.

Dolph Lungren's punisher, x-men 3, league of extrordinary gentlemen, captain america, and the third TMNT movie.

this isn't so much my list of ones i liked the best, as the ones i felt stayed most true to the source material given the limits of craming sometimes decades of character development into a 2.5 hour movie.

i would put the first crow movie in my top five, but it deviated pretty far from the book. still, its one of my favorite movies of all time. i felt rather "meh" about the spawn movie.
elektra and catwoman i didnt bother watching.
didnt even realise there was a nick fury movie, and it sounds like that is a good thing.


The movie wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but some many are far worse.


Some of you guys are too critical. Some of the comic book movies are cheesy fun like Ghost Rider and Fantastic Four.

5 worst
1. Catwoman (One of the worst movies ever made).
2. Dolph Lundgren's Punisher (Nothing like the comic book)
3. Elektra (boring)
4. DareDevil (Colin Farrel & Michael Clarke Duncan were good, Affleck and Garner sucked).
5. Superman IV (Why Christopher should not write or direct)


5 worst
1 Catwoman
2 Elektra
3 Batman and Robin
4 SuperGirl
5 Spiderman 3


In no particular order:

1)Dr Strange (The one with John Mills)
2)Any Captain America movie
3)Road To Perdition (So booooooooooring)
4)Original Punisher movie
5)The Justice League movie (one with the Weatherman as a foe)


<i>5)The Justice League movie (one with the Weatherman as a foe</i>

Does this count as it was never released?

My Top/Bottom 5:

1 Batman Begins
2 Unbreakable (While not a 'Comic book based movie' it is a comic related movie. Sides, this is my farking list. Get over it)
3 The Incredibles
4 X-Men 2
5 Superman: The Motion Picture

60 Superman 4 : The Quest for Peace
61 Nick Fury : Agent of Shield
62 Batman Forever
63 Batman and Robin
64 Catwoman

For the entire list you can check out my website:


they should have cast someone more imposing as cogliostro, that guy looked like a fatter version of my mailman after a medieval costume party. the character is pretty lame to begin with, he's a distracting annoyance in the comics, but in the film he bordered on absurd. the "i'm too old for this" line at the end of the film was so awful that if it had been uttered earlier, i would have stopped the dvd. really, mcfarlane has got to step up if he wants this character to become legendary, other than looking cool for fifteen years he really has done nothing of interest or substance. as it stands now, no one outside of the comic book industry knows who spawn is, and barring a hell-spawned miracle, it will stay that way. one bright spot has been the long overdue reprinting of the comics in neat, handsome, thick trade paperbacks, i always wondered why that was'nt done. other than that, however, the character is pretty much a 90's sensation that burned bright until the film flopped. the adult cartoon was excellent, but of course it was cancelled, all excellent things are brief.


More imposing than Nicol Williamson!? Have you seen Excalibur, by any chance? And the way he plays Merlin? Dude, Nicol Williamson was one of the best character actors ever to grace the silver screen! The fact that he stopped making movies after this one was a huge loss for Hollywood and for all who love good movies, like me. The fact that he passed away without having made another film was a tragedy. RIP, Mr. Williamson.


Brother, The Justice League movie must of been released as I've seen it! It was aired on Channel 5 in the UK a couple of years ago. Or do you mean because it was a t.v. movie?




... and that was the second time I got crabs.


Lucky me has never read any comic book.
I can sit down and enjoy a comic book movie.
And I thouroughly enjoyed Constantine!


1. Captain America

2. Blueberry

3. Superman IV

4. Superman III

5. Batman and Robin


Swamp Thing
Return of Swamp Thing

Keep Comic Book Movies out of the swamp. Ughh.

"Carol Anne, go into the light"!
