Classic or flop?

Just thought I would try and get an idea on people opinions on this movie, as I have yet to meet anyone I know who likes this movie, so I kinda feel alone on this one, for me this is still my favourite movie and probably always will be, you've only got to read my review to figure that one out, not sure what it is really about this movie that I like so much....hmmm who knows? well anyway my verdict is Classic.....would like to hear others opinions on this....if anyone cares that is.

Oh and this is my first post ever on IMDB so try not to rip all my limbs off

Oh and its early hours of the morning im writing this so if my spellings a bit pants you know why :-P


The classic British television version of this movie just came on BBC, and I was telling my husband that even though I saw this movie at the theatre, I remember nothing about it. (I didn't even fall asleep during it like I did in the recent Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy. Hubby doesn't know I missed half of it due to shuteye. Hee hee.) I decided to look it up on here and read reviews to spark my memory. Didn't help. Guess I'll have to call The Saint a "flop".


I love The Saint. It is one of those movies, that I can put on any day of the week, and be entertained. It just never gets old. There aren't all that many movies you can stand after repeated viewings, but this is one of them for me. And I'm not a rabid Kilmer (he kicks ass as Templar though) fan either. Elisabeth Shue is rather lovely in this also.


Templar isn't anything like Bond. I agree. Templar fools no one with ridiculous disguises (except for that bumbling English detective or whatever he was). And Bond does fool everyone with no disguise. But then of course Roger Moore became James Bond because of roles like The Saint. I also like Elisabeth Shue better as a scientist than Denise Richards. Of course The World Is Not Enough, being one of the worst of the 20 Bond movies (I've seen all of them), is not as good of a spy movie, or as good of a movie for that matter, as The Saint.



I really like the movie, I dont love it or think its the best mvoie of all time, far from it, I think its just a fun movie to sit down and watch whenever its on USA at 2 in the morning. So I'm with you, its a good movie, not great, but ok.


I agree, just watched it on DVD I must have bought it years ago cause I found it in the attic. Good entertaining fun, shame there wasn't a sequel. Also I hope Noyce will bring his alternative cut to DVD soon.


Well, in terms of content or instant marketability? Content-wise, I'd say it's a classic. Marketability-wise? Eh... not so much.

I'm not sure if I'm comfortable calling it a "cult classic," but it's close at least. In a way, though, I'm kind of glad it didn't do so well: I just caught it on USA. If it'd have done much better in the box office, it'd probably be on HBO instead, and I'd have missed it.

I guess the film gods work in mysterious ways. ;)

It's not the kind of movie I'd have gone to see in theaters even if I HAD seen the trailer. But now that I've seen it... well, different story.



classic film. It is a perfectly crafted genre piece. After seeing the film i was in moscow in winter and the film captured cold moscow perfectly. The frozen river, yellow buildings, the permanent twilight, decripit and cold apartment lobbies, the drunks, the hookers, just perfect.



Why don't you actually write some constructive criticism?



Even the dumbest one should try to comprehend the fact that The Saint-the movie wasn't based on the tv series of the same title but more so inspired by it.Same as they did with the Bourne series.This movie didn't deserve the treatment it got from the critics-people who are claiming they didnt like it,it's clear some of them read the reviews of our respected critics first then watched it.Some of them just don't like Val Kilmer for no good reason.

This movie concentrated more on Simon Templer the Thief than on TV's Simon Templer the Detective-so obviosly some of the hardcore Saint fans made a great deal about it.Ive read one guy sayin 'it was boring and dull'-obviously some nerd out of this planet.It was perfectly paced,the story was resourceful and by no means silly,Kilmer was born for a role like this(he just doesnt get along with directors-what can we do),the chemistry between him and Elizabeth Shue was mesmerizing,the original score and the soundtrack were spot on.

What I'm trying to say is critics have got this one terribly wrong and with that they've vanished any chance for a sequel to come out.Well we fans couldn't care less about pointless criticising,this movie had every potential to become an instant classic in it's genre.

Well said echo marychain


Classic, great movie.


The Saint is the perfect combination of escapism, fun, intrigue, and romance.


Classic. SPOILERS!!

It deals with a childs (Simons)inner demons, from the little girl being hurt/killed at the start, to Shue getting to Val in the public house by describing his personality to a t without doing all the research like he had done on her. It's their relationship that made the film for me, that along with the logical, thought out ending.

I do like explosions and films with fights, but at times, it's good to know that films like 'The Saint' exist. (Look for 'If Only' with Jennifer Love Hewitt.... an amazing film)


Roger Moore wasn't stuck up, unless you're offended by anyone with a proper English accent.


I'll add to that. Roger was the son of an ordinary London policeman and he lived in a very ordinary inner suburb - read his biog! His accent is pleasant and normal and you'd expect good diction from an actor. It's also what we call a mid-Atlantic accent because affected by the years when he worked in the US. Hardly posh upper class English, frankly, that kind of accent is like trying to talk with a plum in your mouth as the saying goes. His manner isn't posh upper class either, he's a very nice person and very self-deprecating. Do we really want him talking so badly no-one can understand what he says? Or with a strong American accent like Kilmer when the Saint isn't American?

I agree though that the character Moore was directed to play and the scripts for the British TV series were not really in line with the books, although they come near to the American WW2 stories in which he did some freelance work for the CIA re chasing a few Nazis and so on in the US. The real Saint, to me, is the Saint who lived in England in the 1930s and was really exciting and lawless and gallant. He never really went back to that after the WW2 period - the later stories were more like the British TV series. None that I recall were like the James Bond character Kilmer plays.


Even the dumbest one should try to comprehend the fact that The Saint-the movie wasn't based on the tv series of the same title but more so inspired by it.Same as they did with the Bourne series.This movie didn't deserve the treatment it got from the critics-people who are claiming they didnt like it,it's clear some of them read the reviews of our respected critics first then watched it.Some of them just don't like Val Kilmer for no good reason.

This movie concentrated more on Simon Templer the Thief than on TV's Simon Templer the Detective-so obviosly some of the hardcore Saint fans made a great deal about it.Ive read one guy sayin 'it was boring and dull'-obviously some nerd out of this planet.It was perfectly paced,the story was resourceful and by no means silly,Kilmer was born for a role like this(he just doesnt get along with directors-what can we do),the chemistry between him and Elizabeth Shue was mesmerizing,the original score and the soundtrack were spot on.

What I'm trying to say is critics have got this one terribly wrong and with that they've vanished any chance for a sequel to come out.Well we fans couldn't care less about pointless criticising,this movie had every potential to become an instant classic in it's genre.


I LOVE THIS MOVIE! Classic. Just hopes I can find it on DVD.




It's on DVD. I've got it
