MovieChat Forums > Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997) Discussion > Does anyone actually go to their high sc...

Does anyone actually go to their high school reunion?

I don't think it's much of a big thing in Canada, but do people go to their high school reunions and make it a big thing like the movie? I doubt it's like senior prom, and doubt many go.

Please correct me if I've got it all wrong...




I have changed a lot and been successful, but in HS I was the hot sexy model, and I still look good but my hair is thinning and I do not want people to see that :P Plus I went to a really bad high school, not sure I want to see all of the criminals again that I went to school with. Plus I lived in a small town where everyone has no expectations, now I live in the big city where having a new car and your own house is a fantasy to the small town losers.


I went to my 20th and had so much fun I signed up to help with the 25th. We had a blast at it. The thing was the cliques were gone-life had a way of leveling things out. The uppity kids had discovered they weren't so hot. The weird thing was my hubby had is 25th the same year and the cliques were still going strong in his class. We graduated from "sister" high schools-Mine was the county kids in the south half of our county his was the kids in the northern half of the same county. I don't know what the difference was but anyway he had a lot more fun at mine than at his own.


I did not go to mine in 2008. And I heard through the grapevine that it kind of flopped. I guess that means not many people showed or it was kind of boring.

But I threw the invitation that I received in the mail into the same box with my graduation cap and gown so I can look at it years from now and laugh.

Let me see, it was organized by a couple popular girls (that I can't recall right now) and a wannabe popular girl whom I do remember (unfortunately).

It was 3 days worth of activities. The first night (this is the funniest) - was planned at a bar, throwing darts, playing pool, and "catching up with old friends," as the invitation stated. Right. Like all of us drink, or even hang out at bars. (I personally don't play pool or darts either.) And I think this was before the smoking ban in our state, too. What about the many of us who don't care to injest cigarette smoke all night? That part was pretty funny.

Second day - a day in the park eating ice cream. This is where we could invite our whole families. (shrug) Yeah that sounds about as exciting as what it really is, I'm sure. I think a barbeque sounds a lot better.. not that that's worth flying in for, either.

Third night was a night at the airport convention room. That was a little more formal, apparently.

I think in the current age of MySpace and Facebook, high school reunions have to be made a little more enticing than that. Most of us have already gotten in touch with who we want to be in touch with. Who actually would've wanted to fly in from across the country for any of those activities I just listed? (I could've made it easily, and I didn't think it was even worth taking off work for.)


No offense but a lot of you people sound like you're just holding onto the past and not letting it go. Why harbor hate or anger from so many years ago? Grow up. I wasn't the most popular kid in my school either but I don't hate them. Mine's three years away and I plan on going. You only live once, you might as well get the most out of life instead of worrying about cliques from high school returning.


No offense but a lot of you people sound like you're just holding onto the past and not letting it go.

I don't know if you were referring to me or not, but I don't think I'm holding onto any anger.... but I'm not going to pretend a lot of those people were cool to me either.

To show up and try to fane some sort of nostalgia with people I barely spoke to then, and many of whom were not even my friends... now that is what I call holding onto the past.

I'm actually proud of myself for not buying into the B.S. of it all. If I had it to do over, I would not go again. LOL

I'm in touch with all the old classmates I want to be in touch with on Facebook. Not only from high school, but from middle school and elementary schools! Now that's fun. That's real. (I switched schools a number of times and moved out of state once, so I have old classmates from a number of schools.) That's good enough for me.


I totally agree with you. I use FB to keep in contact with those I actually were cool with in HS. My reunion is this year and I will not be attending. It is a personal choice for each person but I don't feel like I need to keep up a lie. Maybe my feelings will change 20 years down the line but right now it's not a matter of life or death to me.


I could careless about any of the people i still don't communicate with. The ones i do i am freinds with them on facebook. Waste of time.


I bear more grudges than lonely high court judges


<3 - When you sleep, I will creep into your thoughts like a bad debt that you can't pay... ;) (fellow Morrissey fan!)

THIS is from Congo Jack!


during my 10 year reunion, I was in a multiplex in LA watching "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion" and my 20 year reunion was posted on Facebook (pictorially) so I didn't need to leave my home to see how fat everyone had gotten.


I can't wait to go to my 10 year reunion next year. I was pretty popular in hisgh school, but that is not the reason I want to go. I had some pretty good firends who I am still in contact with but I haven't seen in years. It will be cool to see everyone together again. I could care less about who is more sucessful than who. I mean we are still in our 20's; and from what I have seen from MySpace and Facebook a lot of us are still trying to get our bearings and start our careers. It's not the HUGE deal that everyone makes it out to be. I expect a fun little night of mingling and drinking. I am probably not going to see these people for another 10 years after that night so I will enjoy thier company and get back to my real life.


I didn't go to my middle school nor my high school reunion, I graduated high school 5 years ago, and I still run into the same people in parties, weddings, etc and I still hang out with the same people few times, so what's the point? I didn't go cause I had to pay quite large amount of money (booze, etc), and I have to to run into the same bitches in HS, again? No way lol. but lets see about the 10 years reunion, it might be fun to go and see who got fat and married, if now we are all still single and ambitious! - cozy forum!


I can't wait for my high school reunion! in 5 years it will be my 10 year reunion...can't wait :D


I spent my junior and senior years in high school at a predominantly White, all-girls Catholic school in NY in the 70's, having attended 2 other local public schools up to that point. By senior year, I was the only Black girl in my grade level. As you can imagine, the cliques were already established and I was effectively shut out both at school and at home; the vast majority of my classmates were either indifferent to me or went out of their way to exclude me from activities that were not graduation day specific. At home, my cousins and friends ridiculed me and called me "Oreo", because I went to this school. When I got word of our 10th year reunion and purchased tickets for myself and my date, I was greeted at the venue by a former classmate who exclaimed, "I can't believe you had the nerve to show up!" No one made any attempt to contact me for the 20th or 30th reunions (one of the organizers of the 10th was married to a policeman, who checked the local voter registration rolls to locate people; they found me through my mom), and even though I entered my contact and personal info on the school's website, and we are now less than a year away from the 35th reunion, still no one has contacted me.

In spite of all this, I still consider my time enrolled at that school to be time well spent, because I was exposed to the worlds of travel, tourism, museums and theatre, and I got the chance to see that there was a different way of life than the one I was living among people who had never traveled any farther from our village than the county seat. I learned to understand and accept other cultures and lifestyles, while all the same time appreciating where I came from all the more. There are a couple of classmates I'd like to catch up with, but I'll stick to the wonderful randomness of running into someone on the street and exchanging contact info that way.

Good friends help you move; true friends help you move the body


When I got word of our 10th year reunion and purchased tickets for myself and my date, I was greeted at the venue by a former classmate who exclaimed, "I can't believe you had the nerve to show up!"

Wow, what a douchebag!

You sound like you made the most of the whole situation. Grats!

I remember getting called for my 10th and telling them right off the bat 'No thanks, not interested.' The person on the other end of the line seemed kind of stunned. Thing was I had no idea who they were. In our yearbook I was voted Best Parties but in truth was only friends with a small handful of people. I kept in close touch with some of those. Rest of the people at school were practically strangers to me then. Might have been nice to learn something about them now but really it would have been like paying to go to a party full of random people.



My reunion was a gathering at the local campsite, with the option of staying overnight for a charge of I forget what, but it was money I wasn't going to waste. It was just going to be hot dogs, beer, volleyball & horseshoes... not my idea of fun.

.... And with people you had math class with 10-15 years ago.
That sounds like a bizarre dream. haha!


I probably will because unlike when I went there as a student, now I'm actually friends with a couple of my fellow ex-students. But still I am wondering if I will get the same anxieties being in a crowded room with them all over again. The majority of them were actually horrid people, a bunch I'm glad I didn't get to know. I don't exactly have a success story, but I'm just me and glad to be, and I wish I could portray that to them when I go! You know?
Saying that, if I didn't go I wouldn't be that bothered because school may have been every day but it had very little to do with my career success, and I knew that all along, so...



@morticia021358-1 Wow, that's really rough. Glad you decided to take the positive from that horrible experience!


I dread going to a high school reunion. I do so for 5 reasons:

First of all, I'd have to pay my way to go. I don't live in the state where I went to high school, so I'd have to travel. For the trip to be "too expensive" to me would be if the plane ticket was $15 and up. And if I could get a plane ticket for $15 or less, I still have four more reasons.

The second reason would be the music. I like 80s music, and I like all genres. But, I know that it would have that whole MTV 80s music, which means alot of songs like Phil Collins, Huey Lewis and the News, Sting, and maybe some hard rock. When I think of a reunion though, the one song that I imagine them playing is "Don't You Forget About Me". I love that song, but hearing it at a High School Reunion would be a nightmare.

The third reason is that I hate most everybody I went to High School with. Some I might have been cool with,but I'm not cool enough with them to be flying all the way to that state, having to withstand "Don't You Forget About Me" playing over some speaker, having all those "Gee, what have you been up to?" conversations when I couldn't care less what they have been up to then, now, or ever.

The fourth reason is that I went to an all boys school, and I didn't hang out at the all girls school because I came from a town that was quite a distance from the town I was from. It's one thing to see how that cutie in science class has aged, or if she married or whatever. Why would I want to walk into a room of old, bald men with big guts. It'd be like, "Gee, Waldo, you haven't aged a bit" type conversation. That wouldn't be much fun.

The fifth reason is that I resolved never to go back when I left. So, I guess I should just stay true to what I resolved, so I don't have to be subjected to a bunch of bald guys with big guts, standing around with the "Don't You Forget About Me" blasting on the speakers, and paying for the plane ticket to be subjected to that. Why bother?



thepoet21, I agree with you. Although TBH if I did go to a reunion, I would love it if "Don't You Forget About Me" was played. Not because I want to remember those people, but because The Breakfast Club was one of the only things that got me through high school. But I didn't go to school in the 80s, which is a shame, so they would probably never play it.

I watched this movie before my graduation last year because I really wanted to set the tone and remind myself how I should really feel. I wanted this to be the last time I ever saw any of them, including the group of friends I hung out with, if I could help it, because these people (including my friends) whittled away my confidence and made it unbearable. I appreciate my friends for hanging out with me and everything, but every time I look back I remember how they would make fun of me every time they felt like it. They used me alot. Whenever the wanted to get something off their chest, particularly if two girls were fighting, they'd sometimes come to me to vent, but whenever I needed someone none of them ever listened. None of them ever stood up for me if people were laughing at my expense. They always asked me to do favours for them but when I needed help no-one helped me. I like to think they were my friends a lot of the time, but to tell the truth, I can't tell if they ever really were at all.

I went to the best all-girls school (at least at the time that I attended) in the country. I'm not trying to show-off or anything, but it was so competitive that at times I found it hard to wake up in the morning and go. If it wasn't about test results it was about who looked the hottest, or who had the hottest boyfriend, and I never wanted to compete in any of it. Sometimes I really did think of giving up because it always got too much. A lot of the time I just wanted to hide. If there's one thing I'm grateful for after my experiences in high school, it's the person it's made me today. A lot of who I am now comes from the resolve to just get through one day at a time on my own, and figuring out what to do the next day, by myself. My loneliest years were in high school and it always seemed like an eternity before I would finally be out of there.

I remember after our graduation ceremony this girl whom I had not spoken to for 6 years (since primary school) came up to me and said "Hi! I'm going to miss you!" And I was like wtf. I had literally had this grudge against her for 5 years. I know it's not good but I never thought she was a good person or a valuable friend. First she stole this guy that I liked even though she knew I liked him, then she proceeded to make fun of my friend whom she didn't like (both happened in primary school). And then in the first year of high school she completely changed. She didn't want to hang out with me anymore, because she wanted to become one of the most popular girls in the grade and I did not. So that was that.

My grade organised a reunion-ish get together after we graduated when the results of our finals were released, but even then I didn't go because everyone would just be comparing results and I hated that. So I wouldn't go to a reunion, ever. I like to believe people can change, I do, but if it ever felt like how it used to be, if people were still the way were in high school, then I would go back to being that girl in high school again who used to cry herself to sleep at night. Honestly, I'm happier without them.

I don't have a Facebook, Twitter or Myspace account. To me it's like high school on the internet. Peoople just compete to see who has the most friends, who's more popular, who's better. I would be lying if I said I don't miss my friends though. Or the good times that I had in high school. But everytime I remember them I'd remember the bad times too, and they are not worth revisiting the good times for. I like to think they maybe miss me, but I doubt it. I don't think I'm worth remembering to any of them.

Sorry for that really long post. But it was hard to stop after a while.

"Tool up, honey bunny. It's time to get bad guys."
"If your life had a face, I would punch it."
