MovieChat Forums > Romy and Michele's High School Reunion (1997) Discussion > Does anyone actually go to their high sc...

Does anyone actually go to their high school reunion?

I don't think it's much of a big thing in Canada, but do people go to their high school reunions and make it a big thing like the movie? I doubt it's like senior prom, and doubt many go.

Please correct me if I've got it all wrong...



"To me reunions are pointless because the same cliques are just going to mingle with each other and not other classmates. Its high school all over again except that they are older."

Very true and exactly what happened at my 10th reunion. Why I went to my 20th reunion to experience the exact same thing, actually it was worse, is beyond me. I was just hoping to run into a guy I used to have a crush on, just to see what he looked like, to be honest. But he wasn't there & it was a depressing, boring evening. The cliques still clicked, looked through anyone they didn't recognize, etc. And the organizer hired a live 80s throwback band that played 80s hair band music. They were a talented bunch, but I wasn't into 80s hair band stuff and it was in a bar. It was SO loud, you couldn't carry on a conversation. The organizer and a couple of her friends danced in the tiny dance area in front of the band. At least they had fun - LOL! Oh well. I doubt there will be any future reunions. If there are, I ain't subjecting myself to one!

THIS is from Congo Jack!


I thought it was interesting how even with people you hadn't talked to in ten/fifteen years, boom, the conversation was all just instantly natural and flowing like only a day had passed.

My HS was shockingly low on the clique factor, to the point that it was almost bizarre. One of the sub teachers would always comment how he liked our HS better than our sister HS because ours had just about none of the typical cliques.

There was none of don't dare sit with the cool kids or the mean girls set or anything, or at least rather little, no place is 100% free of that and people certainly hung out in groups and stuff and it wasn't a free for all mix but it didn't have a majorly cliquey sort of feel and there was no real in crowd vs out crowd or hot mean girls set or football jocks ruling things or don't dare sit at that lunch table or what not. Largely, people just kind left each other alone.

Heck I had a cheer leading captain chasing after me and I was in all the brainy classes and may (shhh) have even played DnD a few times haha (although I was pretty athletic so I suppose that didn't hurt).


Precisely why I skipped a milestone reunion. Mostly because when I tried 'friending' some on Facebook, got no reply so I was not going to make a trip to a different state and possibly be ignored. I had pals in HS but most were not there anyway. Lots school spirit but mostly from the cliques.


I went to one some years ago. I've actually moved halfway around the world so it was just a nice coincidence that I happen to be back home when it was on. I don't know if I'd have gone if I still lived there, but it was just a good opportunity to see everyone that I'd lost touch with.

It was a much more low-key affair than what you see in movies. And it wasn't all about who was more successful and rubbish like that. And no one dressed up, etc. Still, it was a real eye-opening experience. Just in the way that the school jocks and the ones who were always the loudest basically peaked in high school while the quieter ones were the ones who ended up with interesting lives.


Not for another two years!


I turned down an invitation to my high school reunion last year. All it really is is a festivity for people who studied 10 years prior to gossip about their achievements a decade later and the high school days. It's all bull5h!t.



I passed up #'s 5, 10, 20, and 35. I live only 8 miles from my high school. I earned a bachelor's degree but I haven't distinguished myself in anything, so I figured if I didn't show up then no one would ask any nosy questions.



My 20th reunion was this past summer, and I had no intention of going, not after the way the majority of them snubbed me in high school. It would have been funny, though, to go dressed in disguise just to hear them brag about themselves, their kids, and their 'achievements'.


I'm in Washington State, I didn't go to my 10 year...maybe I will go to the 20...but I am pretty sure ( at least to my knowledge) there isn't the same brewhaha about them that there was in the movie, but it's one of my favorite movies of all time, it came out right after I graduated and I loved watching it...full of stereotypes but it has a lot of heart and is totally entertaining. Maybe it's different in other places...but I don't think in general they are as big anywhere as in Hollywood.


I didn't go to my 10 year, which happened last year. I was living in another state at the time and frankly the idea of going to mingle with my old HS classmates didn't interest me in the least. I was the kind of guy who was really shy, didn't do much in HS and didn't know that many people; many of the ones that I did weren't even in my grade, so they wouldn't be there anyway. A few years after HS I came out of my shell but most of my best stories from that era involve questionable activity in the raver scene. By the time of my 10 year reunion I was bartending in another state and figured "why bother?" Most of them wouldn't remember me anyway and I really don't care what's up with them anyway. My life exploded years after HS, where I made friends that I'm still tight with after several years, HS was a loanly time and the few people that I would care to talk to I already have Myspaced or Facebooked anyway.


I didn't go to my 10th one which was five years ago. I couldn't stand most of then; so, why would I give a damn now? I have no intentions of going to any of them.

I must warn you. I'm very susceptible to flattery.


I didn't go to my tenth either, but then, I graduated from high school in another country, so getting there would have been very expensive. Besides, I think the people who most enjoy reunions are the ones who have the best high school memories.

We've all moved on. Now a college class reunion, that is one I might actually attend...

Bam said the lady.
