Outside Kevin Smith

Honestly, has anyone heard about this movie outside people giving the Affleck's props in Kevin Smith's movies?


What people in what movies now?

I seeked out and watched "Phantoms" in 1999, after, a few months earlier, I had learned that an adaptation of one of Koontz's best novels had been made. A very disappointing adaptation, as I found out.


Read the book first, then saw the movie.

Immortality is wasted upon the youth


Yeah, I read the book first. Scared the bejeezes out of me. Then a friend and I rented it over Halloween, she kept gasping at EVERYTHING. She made the movie more intense than it probably actually was. I agree with whomever said it good up to the part it became an action flick. It isn't often a bokk and its movie scares me. Props to scriptwriter and director, as well as the actors. There are some pretty good actors in this flick, Affleck aside.


Nope. I only heard of it when they mentioned that very much now over used line in JASBSB. It was on TV just the other night really late, so I watched it. I was pretty *beep* appauled. I don't think his acting had much to do with it ... the movie just plain *beep* sucked. I'm not a horror movie fan ... I get scared pretty easily and am not really into them at all ... and I thought this was supposed to actually be 'scary' ... I couldnt stop cracking up laughing. It was just so bad and so very very lame...



A little nit picking first, some one way back there said they saw the movie before affleck was big, but he became big at the end of 97 and this came out in 98... Anyways, i saw it before jay and bob came out too. I don't remember why, i just rent random movies a lot and this one looked scary and affleck, who everyone loved at the time, was in it. I felt so cool for knowing what it was when they referenced it. I bet the rentals for this movie have gone way up since that immortal line.



yeah guys because the best way to get publicity is to get a mentioned in a jay and silent bob movie cause they have huge audiences
