Outside Kevin Smith

Honestly, has anyone heard about this movie outside people giving the Affleck's props in Kevin Smith's movies?


I knew about it, I even remember renting it the first time it came out to video, it was 1 of those films that you see bits in pieces of it because you keep falling asleep or you have plans, atleast with me. I enjoyed this film, but Affleck WAS da bomb in Phantoms..



Yeah, I saw this movie before Ben Affleck became all big. I also saw him in Mallrats about the same time, and I saw his name (I think it was Carol or some other man's name that is frequently given to women), and I thought "Did he play a woman in the movie?" I dunno, I was 12 when mallrats came out, cut me some slack, eh? this movie, incidentally, scared the hell out of me when I first saw it. I read the book, and was completely dissapointed at how much was changed in the movie. I still like this. As far as horror flicks from the late 90s, this one's pretty good

I forgot to mention that I haven't seen it in a while, and I really want to see it again to see Nicky Katt. He's the best thing in hollywood, he needs to be in more things. Boston Public, Waking Life, and Boiler Room. My god, Boiler room. I don't think Boiler Room is ever praised enough, so here's my 2 cents: Boiler Room is great. Nicky Katt, Vin Diesel, and Giovanni Ribisi are brilliant here.


Ben Affleck's character in Mallrats was Shannon: a unisex name.

Does anyone else find it funny that there is a pop-up Kama Sutra?


I have been a huge fan of Kevin Smiths since i first saw Mallrats.Clerks was good but Mallrats is awesome.I had wanted to see it before all the attention it has been given.It was a good flick if they were trying to be hokey.but affleck was the bomb in Phantoms yo.



word up bitch phantoms like a muthafucker!!!



bandwagon whores drive me nuts. i rented this movie when it first came out, and i was scared shitless up until the army guys start getting killed and it turns into an action movie. i rented it tonight to show my girlfriend, it scared me again.

freaky ass movie...in the words of Scott Mosier...

"Nobody *beep*' listens until a celebrity says it."

Same goes for Phantoms...nobody cared until Smith stuck it in his flick. A shame.


His name in Mallrats was Shannon Hamilton



thats actually my point, what kinda of bad-ass publicity department do you have to have that ur movie is best known because of a line in another movie.

and just cuz im in a fighting mood, I've never seen this movie but other great movies have gotten around purely because of how good they were and not by mention from big stars such as Donnie Darko and Boondock Saints which both rock my feeble world!


Nope, that's the only reason why I saw this movie when it was on tv today :)


And I missed it? I'd like to see it, to see if it's like the book.


I never heard of Phantoms until it was mentioned in JASBSB, but then I was otherwise occupied in 1998 when this movie came out. I'm watching it now on regular tv and it's probably butchered all to hell, but it's cool so far.

I love BA in Kevin Smith's movies (don't really have an opinion of him outside of them) and if Smith says he's the bomb in Phantoms, I'll check it out to see what it's like. It's creeping me out!


I got it because I had read the book, and saw it on a shelf at a ridiculously low pre-viewed price, and figured how bad could it be for less than the price of a movie ticket? Plus, it had Peter O'Toole in it. I like him. Ben Affleck wasn't even a consideration.

Honestly, I don't get the rabid adoration of celebrities....but that's just me. To me, an actor/actress is either good, or not good. Nothing to do with how "hot" they are.

"Uh, and that's a problem because??????"



I saw this movie before I heard of Kevin Smith, loved it then and now. Smith is right though, Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms.


Is there any specific reason why Smith mentioned this film in Jasbsb? Like did he have anythin to do with it, or was the film a flop and they were taking the piss or what? just curious.


As with alot of things it started as an inside joke. They started saying stuff about Phantoms on other movie commentaries. I think Jason Mewes was the one that said "he was the bomb in Phantoms". You really get great stories and you'll understand all the inside jokes if you watch the commentaries from all the movies.


I haven't seen it...yet! However, after reading everyone's views, I gotta check it out. Reason I'm posting here is about the line "Affleck, you were da bomb in Phantoms" was originally said to Affleck when he was attending a baseball game in Boston. Ben mentions this in an interview, or maybe it was one of the commentaries for JASBSB. He said he was watching the game and a couple of guys called out that infamous quote and he told Kevin Smith about it.
Applesauce, bi*ch.
