MovieChat Forums > Mr. Magoo (1997) Discussion > THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING


So why the heck does it have a 3.3? ANd its on the bottom 100...such a fun film.


Wow I hope your joking this movie was terrible.




squdgeemandan45: Arent you Inteligent, using such big volcabuary when plauged by your low Iq.

To others who have any life: Mr Magoo wasn't suposed to be Shakespeer-ian or anything, It did what It was suposed to do: Being a good popcorn-flick and funny-as-hell!


I rate this film 5/10.

Peter Beaupre: Today you learned something. There is a price to be paid for being a good citizen.


My uncle played the exersise instructor on the T.V when Magoo was cooking and I still havent been able to sit through the whole film!

"Do you know what they call a Quarter Pounder with cheese in France?"


...they've done it again!

my hats off to the makers of the film... wait a minute, let me finish.

my hats off to the makers of the film for even CONTEMPLATING making a movie out of this iconic cartoon character. alas, it did NOT turn right.

the thing that got to me most was the fact that they audaciously changed his disorder to SELECTIVE MYOPIA. grrrr....



--ly bad. And I have a high tolerance for bad films. At least in a "good" bad film it's interesting and kinda funny in an unintentional way. This movie was torture to sit through. This film makes Nielsen's "Spy Hard" look like sheer genius in comparison. Woof!



I must agree. I love all Leslie Neilson films except this one. Every thing that is good about his movies are gone. At least it is his only failure.


one of the absolute biggest pieces of trash EVER. any further discussion is a waste of time, and will not involve my comments, so, degrade my opinion, please.



I think it was funny -but it was a little... I don't know. Some thing can't just happen, but then I haven't seen the cartoon-version.

Still it's great. I like it. From me 8/10 for the reality-jokes.


Im sorry, I love stupid comedies. Rocketman with Harlan Williams is one of my favorite movies. I literally stopped watching after 15 minutes. It was pure torture. Maybe it gets better later on and thats why everyone who is complaining thinks it stinks. If so I apologize, but blame it on the director for placing completely unfunny antics at the beginning.


its a classic! maybe not everyone's humour, but it is pretty funny



The dog steals the show in this film, thats the only reason I gave it a 2 and not a one.


I don't get why it gets so little either. It is so funny! And there are soooooo many other movies that sucks MUCH more.


I agree. One of the most brilliant comedies I´ve ever seen. Laugh my ass off every single time. Critics don´t know *beep*
