MovieChat Forums > Meet Joe Black (1998) Discussion > Am I the only one who found the traffic ...

Am I the only one who found the traffic accident hilarious?

Honestly, I wasn't expecting it. I remember watching this with my mother (who wanted a sweet romance movie) and absolutely dying laughing when Brad Pitt played Pong with the cars. It reminded me of that scene in Pulp Fiction when Vincent accidentally shoots Marvin in the head while chatting with him in the back seat. Random, sick...but utterly hysterical.

We be flyin' like a phat spliff!!



My brother actually laughed out loud (I mean LOUD) in the theater while the rest of the theater was gasping in horror. Needless to say he thought the Pitt groupies were going to attack him in cold blood.


I came here to see if anyone thought the same thing. It was hysterical. Yes I know it wouldn't be funny in real life & all that but this is just a movie & the scene was so random & the way it was done looked like something out of Final Destination. The reaction of the people at the crosswalk in the movie is funny too. I told my mom, "Damn, did Death have to kill him that way to take his body?!".



Yeah it's on tv right now was bored stupid and laughed when he got bounced then was bored stiff again.


i saw this in the theater and the entire audience cracked up. it was over the top, way over the top. and looked kinda fake. pitt turned into gumby chaneling wyle e coyote.

And My Movie Reviews


The reason it was over the top was the director needed viewers to know he was killed with no chance of survival. But close-ups would've been macabre and not for this type of movie. At a distance, it had to be epic to convey that he could not be saved.

Like other people pointed out, this moment should not turn the audience to a dark mood. So the over-the-top accident served a double purpose. So many people on this thread think it reaffirms their hate for the film, but like so many other things they're totally missing the point, not knowing that the scene did everything it was supposed to do, judging by the reactions.

On a side note, any comedian would tell you most laughs are not from "funny", but rather a release of tension. Comedy is about building up that tension and finding a way for the audience to enjoy the catharsis. So it's not odd at all to laugh at this scene. It's what the director wanted.


What made this so funny was the complete lack of effort they made with the dummy.

It just did not look in any way real, partly because the dummy was poor to start with and partly because of the way it didn't change shape as it flew around.

Probably quite deliberate on the part of the film makers because, had it been at all realistic, it would have changed the audience's emotional state and hence their reaction to the next part of the film.


I also laughed when the guy who looks like Dr.Phil said at the dinnertable "I like little girls" and when Joe black is talking to the black women in the hospital hahaha..


I first watched this with my mum when it was just out for rental. Sat down to watch it, and when that accident happened, we had to pause the film because we were laughing so much. I doubt very much that it was intentional on the film maker's part, but it just was hilarious.

Muna Zaldrizoti
