Different Ending

Loved the movie until the last 25 minutes or so. For me a more romantic ending would have been let the daughter live her life...find "love." And as an old woman, once it would have been her turn to die, Joe Black (still looking the same) comes back to get her and they go off to that big indoor pool in the sky.


Been done, Somewhere In Time.


Ah, sounds like one of my favorite movies..."The Ghost and Mrs. Muir".


Then the poor schlub who's loved her all his adult life gets stiffed in the end. How is that a happy ending?


I struggle to see the romance in an old woman ‘being with’ a young man a third her age, it would be creepy seeing them disappear together.


A lot of people have commented that there are some serious issues with the ending. How did Susan know Joe was death and that her Dad was about to die etc.

My immediate thought was how is coffee shop Joe going to explain the dead body just over the bridge and his story of him never meeting Bill verses the whole family and company board knowing he’d spent a week with him. He’s locked up for sure.

I think a better ending would have been Bill and Joe walking off. Then Susan goes back to work. A colleague says they are transferring a patient from the fourth floor down to her ward. He’s been in a coma for a week. It’s Joe.
