What about you, girls?

Although I found this movie to be very shocking and cruel, I enjoyed it. It has the most mysogenic characters that you ever find in a movie, yet, they are not presented as heroes: we don't sympathize with them, in fact, they are repulsive. The closest "good" feeling we can get towards them is pity.

But I wonder: Is it so easy for a girl to enjoy or appreciate a movie like this one? I find it very hard, precisely because of the mysogenic content. But I like to know what women think about it, what were your experiences and thoughts watching it.


I'm a girl (at 27) and this is one of my favorite movies. I love Neil Labute. If you're a girl and this movie didn't do it for you, try The Shape of Things.


I am female and I found the movie very fascinating. I wasn't particularly disturbed by it. Unfortunately there are a lot of guys like Chad out there. Yeah, Howard got screwed over too, but he had his own issues. In his own way he was probably more brutal than Chad in his treatment of Christine. In the end I think she handled things the best way she could have, by simply moving on with her life and not allowing Chad the satisfaction he was really looking for in his game.


"In the end I think she handled things the best way she could have, by simply moving on with her life and not allowing Chad the satisfaction he was really looking for in his game."

I sort of doubt she didn't. She did it. I guarantee you she cried, and suffered. Even if, we make the absurde assumption she didn't, Chad wouldn't have any way of knowing it. So he pretty much enjoyed this to the fullest. The interesting thing, though, is that we tend to do things for other persons a lot easyer than the things we do for us. Pepole want not to suffer in order to not give someone satisfaction, not so they could be happy. And there are a lot of situations like that in life.

See, that was Chad's power. He did everithing for HIM. He didn't care for others. But this sort of egocentric power can be harvested. I hope... :P


Of course she was upset, who wouldn't be. The thing is it didn't destroy her life. Whether Chad knew it or not, she was able to move on. It was probably more egocentric of him to assume that just because a woman doesn't date much or something she is going to go crawling after the first guy to lay some line on her and she is going to go through the rest of her life scarred and unable to cope. Some women have enough self respect not to let something like that rule them. It just showed what delusions of grandeur Chad may have had.



"Girls aren't interested in nice guys and that's why the nice guys never get any girls."

Jaimes, I know some women who always say they're looking for a nice guy, but always end up dating some joker that treats them like s--t. I guess only a psychologist can explain why these women go for the jerks and stay with them (consult Pam in the TV show The Office for more information).

Regarding In the Company of Men, there is a female version of Chad in another LaBute film, "The Shape of Things." See that film and tell me you didn't want to see Rachel Weisz (who plays a very nasty character in the film) to go down down down.

Human Beings...Wow



I'm a woman and I found it very painful at times to watch. It's shocking in its showing of cruelty but its very intelligent and perceptive film that I'm happy I saw but would I watch it again? No way.


This film is one of the first things I bought when I got my first DVD player. It is indeed one of the cruelest movies I've ever seen. But man, is it powerful! I've watched it several times, and am always made breathless by the sheer meanness of the main characters.

LaBute is a genius, no two ways about it, and this is beyond doubt his tour de force. "Your Friends and Neighbors" is good, and "The Shape of Things" is better, but "In the Company of Men" is absolutely his best.

I'm female, by the way. Hate the characters; love the movie.


I'm a girl, just saw this film for the first time. It's a good movie, to be sure, well crafted and captivating. I'm not sure if I liked it though.
Its an interesting film, and should absolutely be discussed, but I didn't love it.
I think it's interesting that most people (here at least) concentrate on Chad's character hating women. I don't think he did. He rants as much about his dislike of the corporate ladder, the 20-something brainless underlings who clutter the break room with garbage, as he does about women. Chad was addicted to power. Power over Christine, and power over Howard. that was his great victory. this plot destroyed his "friend" more than it hurt Christine. Howard was demoted, and emotionally crushed.
And I don't think Howard was our hero either. He was too weak to stand up to Chad. Too simple to see that he was being played. I can't decide which of the two men i found more repugnant.
Chad was certainly a sociopath, lest we forget the scene where he demands that kid show him his balls.
Some things he says though, the idea that in the 90's the position of the white christian college educated male was fading. Those things cut deep. those are ideas, and themes that no one talks about. A feeling of male entitlement slipping away to political correctness. Do I agree? No. But it is interesting.
Chad reminded me of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho, disdain for everything around him, rooted in his own superiority.



Personally it is one of my favorite movies. Not only is it very well acted and written but the character of Howard defines so many self-pitying "nice guys" who are actually misogynists deep down.


I am female, and I liked the movie.. I find it interesting that people think that Chad hated women. I think that if Howard had been a gay man, it would have been a man that they "destroyed" Christine was just the means to an end.


This film is less about misogyny and much more about psychopathy. Chad is the full ticket with Howard as his pawn and Christine is his victim. For anyone who hasn't read Robert Hare's excellent book Without Conscience: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us I can recommend it. Read it and Chad's character will become crystal clear. To my knowledge he is the most convincing and realistic portrait of a psychopath put to film so far.

Forget Hannibal Lecter, Chad is the one you're most likely to come across in life which to me makes him all the more chilling.


Don't you need to be reckless, negatively impulsive, and just in general not give a *beep* about your life at all or society's rules to be considered a full blown psycopath?


Yes and no. Your traits need to correspond to the so called Psychopathy Checklist. Most psychopaths are masters at disguising those traits.

Chad has, from what I can see, most of the traits required. I'll post the ones I noticed in him below. For the full checklist click this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy_Checklist-Revised_(PCL-R)

Factor1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"

Glibness/superficial charm
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect
Callous/lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

Factor2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle"

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Parasitic lifestyle
Promiscuous sexual behavior

Factor 2 being harder to prove in this case as it's, if memory serves me correctly, based on exstensive interviews with the person in question as awell as a thourough reasearch into his/her background.

Chad, if not full blown, definitely scores very high on the checklist.



Robert Hare is very clear that no one but a qualified psychologist may determine whether someone is or isn't a psychopath. However, since we're talking about a fictional charachter created in order to portray a bonafide psychopath I took the liberty of labelling him as such.

Factor 2 in Chad's case is hard to prove since we as viewers get no insight into his history or childhood but for factor 1 I think he manages a nigh on full score. I think you make some valid points but I'm not sure I agree that everyone has most of the traits in factor 1. I'd say most people will have SOME traits from factor 1 but far from all of them.


I'm a girl and I think that this movie is great. I had someone pull a similar trick on me as well, so I related to it a lot.



When evil wins, no one likes the story.

