MovieChat Forums > The Ice Storm (1997) Discussion > Who did you feel sorry for most?

Who did you feel sorry for most?

I think I felt bad for George the most. A lot of the characters had some issues, but it seemed like he never had any say during the whole ordeal. His pride was just wiped clean in this movie.


The guy who had to go home with the fat chick at the key party.


Ugh, he hit the jackpot rweinstock2. She probably made him delicious cupcakes afterwards.

Team Great Gatsby


I feel sorriest for the sweaters in this movie.


I think I felt sorry for Jim the most. Here we have an obviously hard working father/husband with a wife that cheats on him regularly and 2 sons who pay him no mind at all. They didn't even realize he had been on an extended business trip near the beginning of the film.
I didn't like the guy but I certainly felt sorry for him.


Even though she is a big trouble maker in the film, I always seem to feel bad for Wendy every time I watch it. It may just be me being a fan of Christina Ricci, but you know that by the end she has loads of guilt because she was supposed to meet Mikey that night but did otherwise and Mikey ended up dying.
Also, for her to engage in the things she was must mean that she have had some sort of emotional problems happening to her at the time.
That scene where Ben picks her up and carries her home always makes me feel so sad and sympathetic for her. Christina Ricci said she even cried when she first saw that part because it was the first time she allowed anyone to see that she was emotionally hurting. She said so on her Criterion Collection Interview.


I feel sorry for Elena. She married that cheater. She knows what is going on but doesnt say anything


Mikey. All he wanted to do was enjoy the ice storm, and he got fried by a live wire!


Probably Sandy, the youngest kid.

At least most everyone else caused their own emotional fates.
Sandy though was dealing with a working absent father, a swinging barely there mother, a stoned & confused older brother...
Which added up leading to his sexual experimentation with Wendy, who with all due respect should not have enabled that.


Mikey of course. He was one of the only characters who did nothing wrong, but he suffered the worst consequence.

Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.


Parts of this film are funny-but others just haunting.... The first time I saw it, didn't know how it would end, but second time knew what was coming. When the goofy kid (Mikey)a relative innocent, died, his death had a wide-reaching impact. All of Paul's family, with tears in their eyes while in the car at the end - and that son didn't know exactly why-pretty powerful! Life of Pi still my favorite from this director (Ang Lee) however.


Me. I watched it.
