favorite scene?

i almost peed my pants when i kevin kline stabbed himself in the thigh...

"the process is irreversible" "like my raincoat!" - spaceballs



"That was a sheep!!"



Oooh, some nice ones mentioned (that whole "that was a sheep" sequence with the tarantula in the hotel room is hysterical), but the one that always pops into my head at random moments is the bit when Vince catches Rollo with Willa in the office and he's demanding to know what the attraction is between them: "What is it? Did he drug you? Do you owe him money? Was it a dare? What?" That and, "Oh, he doesn't just *like* animals, he...finds them very attractive."


The whole scene where the keepers try to trick Rollo into thinking some animals are attacking them.

When Rollo is ontop of Willa and Vince comes in.
Vince: For God sake, Rollo, not again! Get the bimbo out of Miss Weston's off-
and then he sees its Willa.

Bring me the head of Shannen Doherty and the body of Alyssa Milano...

Then leave the door closed



This movie is so FUNNY! I start to laugh everytime I even think about it. There are soooooo many great moments in the film... Actually, that's all there is! There wasn't a single moment in it that I didn't enjoy. My favorites are...

When Rollo has taken the caged animal "for a walk" and Vince starts his speculations. Kevin Kline is awesome!

Whenever Vince tries to please his dad and ends up being mocked by him.

When Rollo licks the woman's leg and keeps saying that the whole accident is staged. John Cleese cracks me up.

The bit where Rollo tries to cover the noises from the animals when talking with Willa and Vince. The way he just keeps talking faster and faster with no pauses whatsoever is hilarious!

Whenever Rod says "Neville". Priceless.



just watched it again for the first time in years. watched 'wanda' the other day as well. have to say i like this one better, it has so much heart, and is so very consistently funny. all the lines above are great. the faces and gestures kline makes are hilarious. this movie improves with age.

"Has Hammond of Texas fallen in battle?"...Godspeed, Don S. Davis. Hammond Lives!


Vince: I was wondering, could I get a raise?
Rod: Out of the question.
Vince: Why?
Rod: I don't have the money.
Vince: You got six billion dollars!
Rod: Seven, but things are tight right now.
Vince: Okay, look. Uh, what about a small advance on my inheritance?
Rod: What inheritance?
Vince: Well... [nervous laugh]I'm your son! You have to leave me something.
Rod: Why?
Vince: 'Cause you... you screwed up my whole childhood!
Rod: How could I have? I wasn't even there.

Such a 'beautiful' father-son moment!


Yes! Thank you. The way Rod says "I wasn't even there" cracks me up. :)



There were alot of funny scenes, but one that I never forget is the "Bruce Springsteen tortoise". XD


I always remember the scene when Willa and Rollo first meet in front of the lemursĀ“ cage, with all the Freudian slits- ehm, sluts ... slips!

"Are those breasts real?"
(closes door) "Yippee!!!"


My absolute favourite part is a very short, quick thing, I doubt that many noticed it...
After Rollo gets out of the closet, in his underwear (after the whole tarantula-got-loose-thing) he is sitting on the couch getting his breath back, Willa walks up to him and asks what is going on (or something) and his FIRST reaction is to close his legs with a snap. I laughed so hard I nearly cried...

Can I keep you...


My favourite part is Willa's and Rolly's conversation at the Lemur cage which begins with her taking off her jacket and while Rolly ogles her bosom she looking at the lemurs says:

Oh, look at that. *Aren't* they *gorgeous*? Oh, they just make you want to *fondle* them... .

and it goes on like that for a few minutes.

