MovieChat Forums > Fall (1997) Discussion > WTF on the 5.4 star rating?

WTF on the 5.4 star rating?

5.4 stars average? Come on people. This movie is pretty darn good. The soliliquy at the end is awesome.


I agree. I loved it.


It now has a 6.1 rating. And even that is to low. Great movie.


Couldn't agree more with you, this movie is worth a way better rating


I have to disagree, completely
Having never heard anything about this movie, I started to watch it last night on whatever channel it was on. Right off the bat, the stuff that was coming out of the characters' narrations was just stupid. Almost everything that was said in the movie by the main character was just pretentious and dull. I turned it off after about 20 minutes, and this morning I went online to see if anyone else felt the exact same way I did. Apparently, they did




The characters are like-able, but most of the dialog & action is boring, boring , boring.

It must be a chick flick.


If I could give it a negative rating I would. I actaully saw it in the theater when it came out. Ten minutes into the movie, my wife and I walked out, and asked for our money back.

"What if I told you that I am the kind of guy who if you told me you missed me while you were in Spain, I'd have a thousand red roses waiting for you in your hotel room"

He's an f-ing cabby.

Even the trailer makes me squirm.

The main character's cool NY accent is just too much to take.


rpompeii, took you a mere 10 minutes to decide that you hated the movie--but it's taken you 12 years to talk about it? Boy, it must have seriously traumatized you.

And seeing the line you quoted, unless you have the most uncanny recall ability on record, that means you obviously watched that part AGAIN!

Why? Wasn't it terrible enough the first time?! This site seems to be a haven for masochists. I swear, in all the years that I've watched and collected movies(I own over a thousand), I've NEVER gone back and watched one that I hated...what would that accomplish? And if you watched the entire should know he was much more than a "f-ing cabby."

I'm not going to forget how terrible a movie was...especially if I wanted my money back. While there certainly was some bad acting, questionable casting, lack of development in some characters, and yes, some measure of pretentiousness...none of this stopped me from buying it and labeling it as one of the best romantic comedies I've ever seen. In all honesty, it's one of my favorite movies...period.

When you can embrace a film, despite its many flaws...that's when you know you're dealing with something truly special. When a man finds fault with the beautiful verses Michael uses in the film...I always feel sorry for the woman(or man) in his life who will never know the feeling of inspiring someone so profoundly that they feel compelled to speak from the deepest realm of their soul about how much they love you.

And to the women who are not impressed by his words, I feel the sorriest for you because you have obviously lived a life filled with only the fringe elements of a relationship--love is not merely physical.

rpompeii, if you hated the line about the roses, then you are definitely going to hate what I'm about to say next. I really related to Michael in the film because it reminded me of things I had done before I saw the movie...and things that I still do to this day.

2 years ago in June, on her birthday, a friend and I were window-shopping when she fell in love with a Gucci Twirl watch that we saw in the Gucci store. As a first-year med student, she knew that it would be years before she could afford something like that...same situation for her boyfriend. Flash-forward to her birthday this past June, she is now the ECSTATIC owner of that very watch...that I hid inside a stainless steel, diamond-encrusted music box from Macy's.

Why did I do it? As Michael said in the movie...just to see her smile. We've never been romantically involved, even though many think that we are...using the rationale that "you both look like models!" We realized early on it would only end up being a sexual relationship, and we both wanted more than that.

So, as you can see, rpompeii(or those like him)...there are indeed those among us who would leave a thousand roses for someone--just to see them smile.
In the midst of a selfish world, selfless acts are all around.
If any of you still aspire to stand outside of yourself, as Michael did in this film...share your stories here.

True fans of this over-looked gem, let's show this guy that he could learn quite a lesson from that "f-ing cabby."

I sued myself once, you know...and I nearly won!


This movie to me has such a truth to it about love. Such beautiful dialogue. The end speech takes my breath away. Sure he is a cabbie and she is a model, but who cares. It could happen. While he appeared to be just a cabbie, it was a believable plot because he charmed her. And charm goes a whole long way with women. His character had a passion and was sexy but without being aloof and arrogant like so many male leeds. There was a real soul to him. A truth. These are not just mere self indulgent ramblings of the writer when his character speaks. If you listen it gives us a window into what he was feeling and drew me in. While I know the filmmaker has a lot of east coast fans and that they really get him, I have to say, that if people who see this movie from Alaska, California or wherever just listen to the words, the film will resonate far more than 99% of the films out there. I say Bravo! A beautiful movie that reflects the poetry, passion and pain of love.


I'm in absolute agreeance with you. I just saw this movie earlier today for the first time and 6 hours later, I can't stop thinking about it..
I've seen movies where I can barely remember the plot a 1/2 hour later and ones that stay with me for years...
I though it was so incredibly accurate for a passionate what-the-hell-is-happening to me kind of relationship..which we've all experienced.
The scene where Michael reacts to smelling Sara's perfume is amazing. That one little scene almost took my breath away.
Excellent movie!


I actually put that reading into's brilliant!!!


It should have a 1.2 rating
