MovieChat Forums > FairyTale: A True Story (1997) Discussion > Does anyone believe in faeries?

Does anyone believe in faeries?

Because anythings possible, right?


In all seriousness, I think anything is possible. Just because no faerie has ever been photographed doesn't mean they don't exist.


I believe in them.

I went to this and had some magical moments.

Can't say I've ever seen a fairy, but I've felt something magical happening that seemed other worldly.

Why can't we all look at a spiderweb covered in morning dew, glistening in rainbow colors - and sense the magic?


Pure piffle. Anyone can fool themselves with anything. "An it harm no one, do what thous wilt."

The sense itself was I.


i do i do sorry it was there. i do believe in fairies and am going as one this year for halloween. i think with all the craziness going on in the world we need something to believe in. fairies aren't just fairies they repersent childhood wonder, joy and the Belief that there is magic right in front of us if we will only look. i mean i wake up and see a sun rise with it's beautiful colors and think now that's magic to make color appear with the sun. so i say what the heck why not tell your kids you believe in fairies the worst that can happen is they think your nuts or stupid and so what you believe in fairies you believe in the unknown we've barely discovered the depths of the sea the air above and forests can anyone honestly say they've looked at every inch of the world. no so how do we know what's out there we don't so to anyone who cares

I DO BELIEVE IN FARIES I DO I DO and no one will convince me otherwise


We're in the area of faith here, pure and simple. With that being said nobody's ever going to prove definitively whether "fairies" exist or not. There are just as many people who are absolutely convinced of their reality as there are those who totally ridicule it and file the idea in the same category as the Easter Bunny. I've never seen a fairy, angels, or anything of the sort. Some folks say you don't see these things as much as you sense or "feel" them...ok, fine. However, I do maintain that it may not be the wisest idea to completely blow off the possibility. Ever seen Blair Witch Project? Its a question of attitude.

Do fairies exist? I don't know if they do or not. I don't think that's the point. The point is that it appears that we've long lost our connection and appreciation of nature. I've been around long enough to know that the warnings of catastrophe are not recent. The "Green" Movement is not a fad with some of us. With the recent awareness of climate change and storms that are wiping out entire communities, the droughts, one area of the country (US) experiencing record heat while at the same time some other area is going through a blizzard, the pollution of the environment, factory farming and the way we treat animals; all these things make me wonder if our piss-poor attitudes towards the Earth and nature itself, the denial and selfish lifestyles are collectively coming home to roost.
...enough of my soapbox.
BTW, its a very good movie!


It scares the hell out of me that you crackpots are allowed to vote.


People believe in a lot of silly stuff. Every Sunday, while I laze around, millions of people in this country go to buildings where they sing songs to their imaginary friend, Jesus.

Billions of people believe in invisible supernatural beings -- God, Yahweh, Allah, Vishnu, Satan, demons, angels, leprechauns, ghosts, etc. For all I know, there are people who think the cookie-making Keebler elves are real. So, I'm sure there are people who literally believe in little winged fairies.

"The truth 24 times a second."


I don't, but I wish I did.


My friend and her family (who are all very normal and sane) say they saw fairies years ago on holiday in the south of England. They can describe their appearance and clothing when you ask them about it. What's interesting is my friend says that although she knows she saw them, she doesn't believe in fairies.

~I'd do anything for luv...u cant fight luv... u just cant... it overwhelms u...~


I believe in them, I think I saw one once when I was younger. I also believe in brownies/elves because I am even more possitive I saw one in my house, only the shadow though. My aunt also believes. I can also say I believe in minimoys, because they are incredibly small, besides, who knows.


A true Malcoholic.
Harry Potter and Disney are my life.

"There is always a way!"
