MovieChat Forums > The Devil's Advocate (1997) Discussion > Al Pacino's dialouge at the end. My God

Al Pacino's dialouge at the end. My God

God I wish he would just shut up. That monolog went on for what felt like an hour!


Damn, that was Pacino at his best, wrapping it all up. Shouldn't a father pass down what he knows to his son?

This may be my favorite Pacino role.

Generosity, that was my first mistake


I think it's hilarious. Pacino's had so many roles where he screams, rants and raves but the climax of this one takes the cake. It's like that monologue was tailor-made for special brand of mega-acting. I've been put off by his style in other movies but in this one you've gotta just laugh and enjoy it because he goes unbridled like never before.


A lot of Pacino's speeches I just zoned out. They just sound like some coke head ranting about the world.


I've seen the last 20 minutes of this film about 50 times. It never gets old for me. Give it another chance, OP.


Even though I liked the scene, it did seem to go on for too long.


Listen to him at the end of
(Scent of a Woman)

i reckon so



I agree.

Even his 'daughter' in the scene remarked about his talking too long. 

That scene was mishandled, IMHO. Monologue IS too long, Pacino (whom I love as an actor BTW) overacted while Keanu's character was underplayed (going from tragically grief-stricken to...not so much...from one scene to the next), and I felt the tone/pacing changed too much from how they were handled previously in the film, as to be distracting.

And, that's too bad, because that was THE scene.

"Much communication in a motion, without conversation or a notion"


was going to rate this 6/10, but gave it 5/10 instead because of that monologue

so many movies, so little time


It's a delightful display of hamminess. Laugh out loud funny and entertaining.
