Garofalos part

I like Copland and Garofalo but I always wonder if the original script included more of a storyline to her character. Somehow the finished film seems like there is something missing in that regard. I don´t know the director´s cut. The two deputys to Stallone seem to be the only characters in the film who do not have any kind of connection to the events and are almost reduced to bystanders.

Does anybody feel the same or has information on that?

----------This is who we are----------


I hope that originally there was more to her...her character served no purpose and took me out of the suspense/dangerous mood the film was doing well setting up...when she left 'to go back upstate', i felt nothing for her...not sad, not disappointed that she abandoned the team, nothing.

it is better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it



You mean like the way the leftist-liberals cut and ran in Lebanon in 1983?

Your commentary is drivel.

Janet! Donkeys!



I think your analogy would work better if your version of "left liberalism" wasn't a lame stereotype popularized by the Fox News Fantasy World.

But if you enjoy being a tool, carry on.

Janet! Donkeys!


Her character was real tough when it came to writing speeding tickets against the corrupt cops but when it came to confronting them for real corruption, she just up and quit. It was a really weird character that could’ve been omitted and the movie would’ve been unaffected
